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Mastering Profit First: A Journey to Financial Freedom for Your Business
05 July 2024Mastering Profit First: A Journey to Financial Freedom for Your BusinessHello lovely readers! Welcome back to my blog where this week I’m diving deeper into the Profit First system. Last week, we discussed the idea of using several bank accounts to trick...
Embracing the challenge: A Step Towards Business Excellence
28 June 2024Embracing the challenge: A Step Towards Business ExcellenceHello Readers! I hope it’s been a great week? So, how many of you did it? How many of you took the challenge I set out in my last blog? Did you pull your head out of the sand and face things head...
Why Your Business Needs a Health Check
21 June 2024Why Your Business Needs a Health CheckGood Morning, I hope you’ve had a great week! Mine has been productive but it got me thinking and I wanted to share it with you this week. Who knew that lawnmowers needed servicing? This was the unexpected discovery...
Understanding Profit First: Transforming Your Practice’s Financial Health
14 June 2024Understanding Profit First: Transforming Your Practice’s Financial HealthHello, everyone! If you missed last weeks blog then don’t read any further…. Rewind back to my last blog then come back to pick this back up. If you’re all caught up then carry on...
Why your business is not making money
07 June 2024Why your business is not making moneyHello, lovely readers! How are you all doing today? Over this next month, I want to dive deep into getting you to think about the real state of your business. And trust me, this is not the time to bury your head in the...
Finding Balance: How to Overcome Overwhelm as a Clinic Owner
31 May 2024Finding Balance: How to Overcome Overwhelm as a Clinic OwnerGood Morning, I hope you’ve had a great week? I wanted to talk this week about an important topic…. clinic owner overwhelm! So many times, clinic owners tell me they feel buried under appointments....
The Power of Teamwork in Building a Thriving Clinic
24 May 2024The Power of Teamwork in Building a Thriving ClinicGood morning readers! I hope its been a good week? Following on from last week I wanted to talk to you about the importance of teamwork. Steve Jobs once said, “Great things in business are never done by one...
Elevating Your Leadership: Building a Thriving Team
17 May 2024Elevating Your Leadership: Building a Thriving TeamGood Morning I hope you’ve had a great week! Today I’m going to dive deep into five key practices that can elevate your leadership game and propel your team towards greatness. Leadership is the cornerstone...
Mastering Your Clinic’s Hiring Process: A Strategic Approach
10 May 2024Mastering Your Clinic’s Hiring Process: A Strategic ApproachHello Happy Friday! Today I’m diving into the intricate world of hiring in your clinic. If you’ve ever felt the struggle of finding the right team members who not only fit but excel, you’re not...
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