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in the health & wellness industry

The Hidden Value of Trademarking Your Clinic’s Brand

The Hidden Value of Trademarking Your Clinic’s Brand

01 November 2024The Hidden Value of Trademarking Your Clinic’s BrandHello Readers Today, I want to dive into something that we often overlook as clinic owners: the importance of protecting your business with a trademark. It’s easy to think that our business is safe as...

The Rollercoaster Ride of Running a Business: Reflections and Lessons

The Rollercoaster Ride of Running a Business: Reflections and Lessons

18 October 2024The Rollercoaster Ride of Running a Business: Reflections and LessonsHello Readers, I hope you have had a great week? Who here, as a child, went to Blackpool Pleasure Beach? If you didn’t, then where have you been? Growing up in Stockport, Blackpool was...

The Two Missing Ingredients to Clinic Success

The Two Missing Ingredients to Clinic Success

11 October 2024The Two Missing Ingredients to Clinic SuccessHello and welcome to this week’s blog post! Today, I want to talk about two crucial ingredients that are often missing in many clinic owners’ approaches to building a successful business. From my...

Clinic Success: Building from the Roots Up

Clinic Success: Building from the Roots Up

04 October 2024Clinic Success: Building from the Roots UpGood Morning Its Friday, lets jump right in! In the world of clinic ownership, we often use the metaphor of a tree to explain the factors that influence success. The roots, in this analogy, represent the clinic...

My best business investments

My best business investments

18 September 2024My best business investmentsToday I’m talking about some of the best investments I’ve made in my business. This is a question I get all the time, but usually it’s disguised as, “how have you done it? What is it that I need to do? What am I missing?” I...

Maximising Clinic Revenue and Growth Through Student Placements

Maximising Clinic Revenue and Growth Through Student Placements

13 September 2024Maximising Clinic Revenue and Growth Through Student PlacementsGood Morning! How has your week been? This week I want to talk to you about student placements. Running a successful physiotherapy clinic is no easy task, especially when balancing patient...

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