25 October 2024
Breaking Through Barriers: How Your Mindset Shapes Your Business Success

Good Morning
Thanks for joining me! How has your week been?
I have been so busy with Clinic Growth Live preparation as well as all of my usual day to day workload, it has reminded me to talk to you all about something really important. Mindset.
As business owners, we often focus on the strategy, the financials, and the marketing — all the essential building blocks for growth and profitability. But what if I told you that one of the biggest barriers holding your business back isn’t external at all? It’s what’s going on inside your head.
You might be wondering, “How is that possible?” Let me explain.
When I first started my business journey, I was laser-focused on the practical side of things. I needed a solid marketing plan, a bulletproof business model, and effective ways to scale. I thought if I could just crack that, success would naturally follow. But the truth is, no matter how much strategy and know-how you have, your mindset is the foundation upon which everything is built.
There’s a concept called “Be, Do, Have,” which I first came across from one of our incredible coaches, Philippa. The idea is simple but powerful: to have a business that brings you regular profit, gives you the freedom to step away without everything falling apart, and allows you to enjoy a life beyond work, you first need to work on how you feel about yourself.
Do you value your time and skills enough? Do you believe you deserve the success you’re striving for? Are you comfortable making bold decisions, setting boundaries, and stepping into your authority? If your self-worth isn’t where it should be, you’ll likely find yourself undercharging for your services, people-pleasing, and constantly compromising your own boundaries. Sound familiar?
A lot of us are stuck in what I call the “comfort zone trap.” It’s safe, familiar, and it stops us from facing the uncomfortable truths about ourselves. And let me tell you, the higher you climb in business, the more your mindset will be tested. It’s the classic “new level, new devil” scenario. To truly break through and reach new heights, you need a different mindset — one that matches the level of success you’re aiming for.
When I first met Philippa about 10 years ago, I wasn’t aware of how much my mindset was influencing my business. I was under the illusion that all I needed was strategy. Philippa, with her years of coaching expertise, has an amazing ability to free you from the mental blocks that are holding you back, even when you don’t realise they exist.
Our businesses are mirrors, reflecting our internal state. If you’re struggling with certain aspects of your business, whether it’s managing your team, pricing your services, or having difficult conversations, chances are it’s linked to what’s going on internally.
For me, I had to confront a lot of old beliefs about needing to please people, fearing confrontation, and constantly saying ‘yes’ to everything. These behaviours were ingrained in me from childhood experiences, but they were now creating patterns in my business that weren’t serving me. I was overcommitting, undercharging, and avoiding tough conversations — all because of a deep-seated need to be liked.
Sound familiar?… Well now is your time to break the cycle.
The first step is acknowledging that your mindset needs attention. It’s about recognising those old patterns and how they’re affecting your business decisions. This isn’t easy — our brains are wired to protect us and keep us in our comfort zone, even if it’s stopping us from growing.
But once you break free from these mental barriers, the change can be incredible. I’ve seen it firsthand in my own business and in the businesses of those I work with. Philippa’s approach to mindset work is transformative because she helps you see what you’re thinking about and how those thoughts are manifesting in your results.
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, you have to start by working on yourself. It’s not just about doing more; it’s about being more — more confident, more self-assured, and more willing to push through the discomfort.
As business owners, we’re often told to focus on the external things — marketing, finance, strategy — and while those are important, they won’t get you far if your mindset isn’t in the right place. So, take a step back, look inward, and ask yourself, “What beliefs or fears are holding me back from the success I want?”
Because once you work on that, the sky’s the limit.
If you haven’t already then tune into my Podcast here and you will hear some of the fantastic conversations I have had with Philippa our Mindset coach. We have also just celebrated our 100th episode this week!! There is an opportunity for you to enter our competition to win a 1:1 with me, we will set your 2025 strategy together including mindset, number and sales!
Have an amazing weekend.
Katie X