Episode 88
Unlocking the True Value of Your Time: Revisiting How to Calculate Your Hourly Rate
About this episode
Hello and welcome to this episode of the Treat Your Business podcast! I hope you’re having a fabulous day. In this episode, we’re revisiting a crucial topic from episode 12: valuing our time as clinic owners. Despite our best efforts, many of us still struggle with time management and implementing the changes we learn about. Let’s dive back into understanding our hourly rate and its impact on our business.
Episode Summary:
In this episode, we explore the importance of knowing your hourly rate and how it affects your clinic’s success. We revisit key insights from episode 12, discussing why many clinic owners undervalue their time and struggle to implement what they learn from masterclasses and training. By understanding and recalculating your hourly rate, you can make better business decisions, delegate effectively, and ultimately grow your clinic.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding Your Hourly Rate: Recognising the true value of your time is crucial. It’s not just about charging for your time with clients but considering your years of training, experience, and ongoing professional development.
- Challenges in Valuing Time: Many clinic owners undervalue their time due to past experiences in the NHS or working with insurance companies that set low reimbursement rates.
- The Importance of Pricing: Regularly revisiting and adjusting your pricing structure is essential. Your prices should reflect your expertise and the value you provide to your clients.
- Delegation for Growth: Identifying low-value tasks that can be delegated allows you to focus on higher-value activities that drive your business forward.
- Mindset Shifts: Overcoming the fear of raising prices and understanding the broader impact on your business can lead to greater financial stability and less burnout.
- Business Development: Spending time on business development tasks rather than getting bogged down by low-value administrative tasks is vital for long-term growth.
Action Steps:
- Re-evaluate Your Prices: Take a hard look at your current pricing structure and adjust it to better reflect your value and the cost of providing services.
- Track Your Tasks: For a week, note down every task you do and categorise them by value. Delegate tasks that don’t need your direct attention.
- Focus on High-Value Activities: Prioritise tasks that will help grow your business and improve your financial outcomes.
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[00:00:00] Katie Bell: Welcome to this episode of the Treat Your Business podcast. I hope you are having a fabulous day. We are going Back in time to episode 12 this week and I decided that based on a lot of conversations that I’ve been having with clinic owners recently, we still are really struggling to value our time.
[00:00:23] Katie Bell: Most of the biggest challenges I I hear from clinic owners is that they just don’t have time to implement everything. Or they don’t have, they go on a masterclass and it’s great but they don’t have time to get the stuff done. Or they start but then they don’t finish things. They don’t have time to lead their team.
[00:00:38] Katie Bell: They don’t have time to do all of these reviews and performance management. They don’t have time to do all the marketing. They don’t have time to even get their notes done in a day. But way back when in episode 12, I released an episode on how to work out your hourly rate. And I thought, you know what?
[00:00:54] Katie Bell: I think our listeners need to I think they need to hear it again because so often we can hear things and do nothing with it. And it’s not because we are not high achievers and we’re not motivated and we don’t want to change, but it’s just that we’re not in the right place to hear it, receive it, and then action and do anything about it.
[00:01:17] Katie Bell: So perhaps the second time of releasing this episode, you might be in a different place. You might hear different things. I’m going to talk a lot about how it’s really relevant right now in our industry, particularly with some of the perhaps economic challenges that we have been going through and are still going through, that we recognize what our time is worth and where we are spending our time.
[00:01:42] Katie Bell: And we’re going to look at some of the reasons and evidence that suggests our hourly rate should be low. And going back in history as to why that might be still showing up in our businesses and in our lives and in our money mindset. Now we’re going to explore why you need to start working at your hourly rate.
[00:02:02] Katie Bell: We’re going to need, we’re going to explore the importance of understanding Your hourly rate and wage in your clinic and what you perhaps need to be doing differently to free you up. And really look at who is the bottleneck to the growth of your business. I had a wonderful chat with somebody only last week and she said I am literally the bottleneck.
[00:02:26] Katie Bell: I am the one that is in the way constantly because I’m holding on to stuff and I am not making the time to delegate. And we’re just in this cycle and until you step off and really look at where you are spending your time, your business is going to stagnate or perhaps you’re going to start making less and less money.
[00:02:49] Katie Bell: So I hope that you get huge value from diving into this episode a second time. I’m really, I really encourage you. To pause at various places or at the end to really look at what your hourly rate is worth when you are seeing clients and when you are not seeing clients and what impact that is having on your clinic and your business right now.
Welcome to the Treat Your Business podcast with Katie Bell. I am Katie, and this is the place to learn the strategies, tactics, tools, and mindset needed. To build your clinic or studio into a business that gives you the time, money, energy and fulfillment you want and deserve. My team and I work every day with overwhelmed and exhausted clinic owners like you to shift them from a business that is a huge time and energy drain and is not giving them the income they want to confident clinic owners that are making money, saving money and getting time back in their lives.
So if this sounds like something you want, let’s dive in. This podcast is sponsored by HMDG, the leading digital marketing agency for the Clinicare is in the U. K.
[00:03:54] Katie Bell: Hello and welcome to this episode where we’re going to start working out your hourly rate. And I created this episode based on a great call that I actually had this morning. I was going to talk about something completely different and I thought, no, I’m going to talk about this because it’s really relevant right now in our industry with the economic challenges that we’re going through.
[00:04:16] Katie Bell: We are surrounded by reasons and evidence that suggests our hourly rate should be low. And I’ll give you an example of this. The NHS provides A service, a lot of our services, for free. People think that they can go and get what we provide for free in a service, so we’ve got that in the back of our mind.
[00:04:41] Katie Bell: A lot of us were trained in the NHS, so we have worked and we have experienced delivering a service to clients and not having to charge for it. Which, hey, it’s really easy, isn’t it? When we never have to have that price conversation, it’s an absolute joy. When we have to have that price conversation, we all want to vomit.
[00:05:02] Katie Bell: And we also grow to think, in our industry, that we need to be constantly doing CPD to prove our worth, to prove that we are good enough, and to be able to therefore charge more for our services. And there’s this conundrum all the time that I, when I speak to clinic owners and business owners they’re almost obsessed around doing CPD courses, but what they don’t do enough of is invest in really in CPD and their business, how to run their business, because they don’t actually associate value in that.
[00:05:38] Katie Bell: We think we need to be better physios, we need to be better osteopaths, we need to be better massage therapists, we need to be better Pilates instructors. So we are really focused on doing more CPD because we think that proves that we’re good enough. But often what happens is people go and do their CPD, but they don’t actually put their prices up.
[00:05:56] Katie Bell: They don’t actually charge themselves out to any more money. Another thing that happens in our industry is we work with insurance companies. And we work with insurance companies who think that we are worth 35 pounds. And for a lot of us, we cannot physically run a business. using those charges. Okay, especially what’s happened over the last few years, the cost of delivering our service has radically gone up.
[00:06:26] Katie Bell: The cost of staff wages, of rent, of overheads, of heating, lighting, insurance. You name it, it has gone up. Now a lot of us, our prices haven’t followed suit quick enough, and therefore our margins that we’re making are really reduced. But we work with insurance companies who think we are worth 35 pounds.
[00:06:45] Katie Bell: So this is another bit of evidence that our ego has to try to suggest that we are not actually worth anymore. Insurance companies now are saying that they don’t allow us to charge if we need to write letters or we need to send patient notes and we need to spend. Our time, which is worth money creating, documenting, sending, writing, whatever it is, we’re not allowed to charge for those anymore.
[00:07:09] Katie Bell: We’ve also worked with insurance companies who ask us to see a patient, charge at 35 when your normal clinic fee might be 55 for that exact same experience. And then they also want a seven page online report. And there is many reasons why we have left a lot of the insurance companies, to name a few. Because I just got to the point where I felt that they are not recognizing our importance and the level of education and the level of the work people put in to become trained in being physio and being an osteopath, whatever it is.
[00:07:49] Katie Bell: When you’re working with these insurance companies, it’s just not recognized. And I felt like I was contributing to them being allowed to charge that amount of money until we made the decision that we were going to pull away from them. We could do that because less than 5 was created by insurance patients.
[00:08:08] Katie Bell: We, we very, when I first launched my business eight and a half years ago, I made the decision that I was going to run a business and my business model was going to be private paying patients. I was not going to build a business that relied on insurance companies and medical legal companies. There’s nothing wrong with it.
[00:08:25] Katie Bell: It’s absolutely great if that’s your business model. I just decided that that’s not what we were going to do. So we’d got a low percentage of turnover. linked to insurance companies. And that meant that I had an easy decision to say, no, we’re stopping that. We are not working for that rate. And I’m certainly not going to create a seven page report and see the patient for 35.
[00:08:49] Katie Bell: We also have a feeling that if we raise prices, People will think we’re in it for the money and we’re in healthcare. So we don’t want to come across as greedy people. We don’t want to come across as people that are just doing this for the money. And hopefully that all sounds familiar. So when we set our hourly rate, when we first launch our business and we decide what we’re going to charge ourselves out at, we’ve got all this past experience and all of these thought processes in our head.
[00:09:17] Katie Bell: That means we then set our rate at Whatever it is, okay? And hopefully over time as your confidence grows, people naturally put their prices up. Price rises should be a yearly thing in your business. It should just be part of your business cycle. And what often happens is we don’t price rise for ages and ages, and then we realize that we are so far away from where we need to be, we then have to take a big price rise.
[00:09:45] Katie Bell: And that feels uncomfortable, that feels awkward, that feels We are in it for the money. I had a lovely call this morning, as I mentioned earlier, with someone who was really stuck with her pricing and actually her value, her self worth, what she felt she is worth as a physiotherapist. And she’s also a partisan instructor, so I’m gonna give you an example.
[00:10:08] Katie Bell: She sees a patient and she sees a MSK physio patient for 35 pounds for half an hour. And I said, is it really half an hour? She said actually no, because I’ve got 50 minutes between clients because of COVID and I’ve still got it. Okay. So do you see the patient for 30 and then write your notes and clean your room and make a phone call and then get your next person in?
[00:10:31] Katie Bell: She said, no, what actually happens is I just run over. So we end up running for 45 minutes. And then my notes don’t happen. I have to take them home at night. I have to put the kids to bed and I’m just chasing my tail all the time. I said, why do you think that is? And she was like, Oh, I don’t know.
[00:10:47] Katie Bell: I just feel like I need to deliver. I need to over deliver to charge. So I said, okay. So actually the issue here isn’t about your pricing. It’s about how you feel. About it is how confident you are and what you feel you need to do to give the clients that feeling of really high value because you feel like 35 is a lot for your, for 30 minutes, so you give them 45 and you over and over deliver.
[00:11:18] Katie Bell: She said, yeah, that’s exactly what happens. And then I get home at night and then I write their exercise plan and then I write the notes up and it probably takes me in total about an hour and 10 minutes. So I was like so you’re actually charging the client 35 for an hour and 10 minutes of your time.
[00:11:31] Katie Bell: She said, yeah. I said, so why is it when you see a women’s health patient, you charge them 45? Now fair enough, it still runs over to 45 minutes. I said, but you obviously value your time at 45. So I said, why is that? She said, well, they can be a bit more complexed and I guess I’ve done other courses in women’s health.
[00:11:52] Katie Bell: So I said an ACL is quite complex to, a rotator cuff tendinopathy can be very complex. There’s lots of things that could be going on there. I said, so I find it interesting that you value yourself at 45 in one thing and then 35 in another. And I said what’s your initial assessment price?
[00:12:11] Katie Bell: And that was, I think it was 55 or 60. And I said, but you value yourself at 45 for 45 minutes. So surely that means that your initial assessment price should marry up to that. If you think about your value at 35 for 30 minutes, that means you value yourself at 70 for an hour. She’s Oh no, I can’t charge.
[00:12:34] Katie Bell: I can’t charge 70 for an hour. So it was a really interesting conversation. It made me think, you know what, I’m going to talk about this on my podcast today because every client that we work with within the first sort of four to six weeks, we have to look at Their pricing, because for many of them, it’s like a, there’s just no way out.
[00:12:51] Katie Bell: Like we, we have to make more money in this business or it’s going to stop or I’m going to burn out and I’m literally making no margin. There’s no point in me doing that anymore. So a hundred percent of the clinic owners we have to work with and studio owners within the first month, we’ve got to raise the prices.
[00:13:05] Katie Bell: And we don’t do it because they’ve just had this epiphany. We do it because we actually work on their own self worth. So with this client, we looked at her time, we looked at the value that she was delivering and I said, So do you deliver less value for an ACL rehab rupture or than you do if you’ve got a pelvic floor problem?
[00:13:24] Katie Bell: She said no, I deliver exactly the same. I said therefore you need to bring your prices in alignment. So what we did on the call today is we looked at where her prices are now, where they need to be, and I said, listen, I’m going to suggest where your prices need to go based on your hourly worth right now and how you’re doing things, and we need to make sure that you’re actually only delivering 30 minutes.
[00:13:43] Katie Bell: because your boundaries have gone and therefore this is another reason that you feel like you’re over delivering and charging too little for what you give to your patients. I said, but what we need to do is we need to look at where your prices need to go. I’m going to give you a suggestion. It’s going to make you feel very uncomfortable and then we need to find somewhere that we can get close to.
[00:14:03] Katie Bell: She said, Oh God, I thought you were going to call on this call and time to just. Double my prices and do this and do that. I said yeah, I would love you to double your prices because you’re way too, you’re way too cheap and you’re undervaluing yourself. You’re a very experienced physio with years of training.
[00:14:15] Katie Bell: And I said, but can we get somewhere up there? I said, it has to feel uncomfortable. It has to feel a stretch or it’s not worth doing. There is literally no point putting a pound on your prices. You’ve got to rip the plaster off at some point, particularly if you’re under, grossly undercharging.
[00:14:33] Katie Bell: And I said to her, okay let’s look at, this is going to be a 30 percent price rise. So I said, but let’s reframe it in a different way. 30 percent of your patients can opt not to see you and you still make the same amount of money. And she said, yeah, I said, so what else does that mean? She said then I’ve got 30 percent of places for new people to come in.
[00:14:54] Katie Bell: And I said, who didn’t know your price in the first place? So we had this whole, that sort of realization that she is undercharging for her experience. for her education. I want you to think about, you’re not just charging for your time, okay? You’re not just saying, I’m seeing you between 30 and therefore it is 40.
[00:15:18] Katie Bell: What you’re actually saying is, I have spent three years on an undergraduate degree. Before that I was having, I had to get certain A levels. I’ve then gone and done loads of work experience. After that, I’ve then gone on to do a postgrad degree, or I’ve got postgrad qualifications, or I’ve done an acupuncture course, or I’ve done a, I’ve gone on to do a POGP, or what, all of these amazing qualifications that you all have got.
[00:15:39] Katie Bell: Everybody I speak to is so well qualified and so amazing at what they do. But they are undercharging because they still think that they’re just charging for that bit of time. And you’re not. You’re charging for all of those years of experience. All of those, that years of training and graft and money that you’ve spent to get your level of knowledge to where it is now.
[00:16:01] Katie Bell: Knowing your hourly worth is really important, as in this lady’s example, because she said to me, she said I really need, she’s a busy mum of three, she said, I’ve got no time and I’m not making the money that I need to make. And I said, okay, but we need to look at what is making you more money and what is making you less money and instantly we can make decisions about what you get rid of.
[00:16:26] Katie Bell: If you need more time and you need to make more money, then those are the decisions that we need to make. She’s right. Okay. We went through some of her clients because she’s a sole trader. So it was just her clients that she was talking through. And she said, Oh, the, these clients have been with me forever and they just pay this kind of.
[00:16:41] Katie Bell: buy four Pilates classes up front and what they were paying was a very low price. And she said, I just feel bad. And actually what we established is she doesn’t even want to be doing one to one Pilates anymore because we also established she could make more money in a class setting than she could from a one to one perspective.
[00:16:59] Katie Bell: So knowing your hourly worth and where you make more money in certain areas of your business allows you to make better decisions as to what you need to focus on in your business. Understand your hourly worth when you’re a clinician is really easy, isn’t it? Because you say I charge 35 for half an hour, I can charge 70 for an hour, or you might charge 100 for an hour, whatever it is.
[00:17:19] Katie Bell: That’s how much at that time you can make for your business. So we’ve got two ways to look at this when you’re a business owner who is a clinician, or a business owner who is also teaching the Pilates classes. You will teach a class. At 10 per head or per mat, for example, you’ve got 15 people in the class you know you can make 150.
[00:17:42] Katie Bell: Okay? You’ve got limited amounts of time and you have got some one to ones that are taking up a lot of the time. You’re only charging them 50. So we’re losing 100 of opportunity there. Question is, which one do you like? Do you like one more than the other? Because you can’t just, you can’t always just chase the money, because you’ll create a business model that doesn’t align with what’s important to you.
[00:18:05] Katie Bell: But as a clinician, or as a, as an instructor, it’s really easy to work out. If I work, 12 hours, I will make this much money for the practice or the clinic. But you’ve all got an element of running your business, which is the non clinical time the business development time, not the admin time, guys.
[00:18:22] Katie Bell: That is not business development. Sending emails and invoices is administration. It doesn’t necessarily move your business forward. So you’ve got this time that you need to spend working on your business. And that is really hard to put a figure on, isn’t it? Because sometimes you’re working on your business and you don’t directly see, oh, I’ve just done that and therefore I’ve made a thousand pounds.
[00:18:51] Katie Bell: It’s that cumulative effect of, actually, if I don’t teach that one to one that’s going to make me 50 pounds, but I am going to move I’m going to move this shoulder pathway away. forwards because that means that we’re going to be able to launch this new service in the business and the service has the potential to make another 100k a year on the top line.
[00:19:18] Katie Bell: then you can clearly see that just by saying yes to the client all the time, in that class all the time, you are losing the opportunity of growing your business. And that’s where we get stuck in our business. We get so stuck in the doing that we struggle to pull ourselves out because with that fear of losing that 50 or that 100, but we don’t always look at what we’re going to gain.
[00:19:41] Katie Bell: So most of us have some internal gauge of how much our time’s worth. So let me give you an example. Somebody said to you will you do this for 7p? You’d be like, no way! Absolutely no way. But if they said, oh, I’ll give you it for seven, seven grand, you’d be, yes, absolutely. The answer is yes. Just tell me what I need to do.
[00:19:59] Katie Bell: So the opposite ends of the spectrum are really easy to know, aren’t they? But that middle value is it’s harder. It becomes less clear. Let me give you an example. So we were booking flights. We’re going away on a a long haul trip. And even I do this. Okay. I’m really good at Spending time on things that are going to move the business forward and delegating the lower value task now not lower importance just lower in terms of monetary value in the business, okay most of the time but i’m also human And we also still get ourselves in our own heads sometimes so we’re booking flights And we were like on Skyscanner.
[00:20:40] Katie Bell: So we could go from Manchester to Dubai. Dubai to Bangkok for whatever it was. Whatever price it was, okay? And then we got into this whole, but we could go Manchester to Heathrow. Heathrow to Doha. Doha to Bangkok. It’s gonna take four more hours. But we’re going to save 200 quid each. And I was like, oh yeah, okay.
[00:21:05] Katie Bell: And then I was like whoa. Hang on a minute. My time, I know, is worth more than 50 pounds an hour. So I’m not going to save 200 quid to spend four more hours in the air. No, that’s not going to happen, okay? That’s where this middle value comes in. We catch ourselves, don’t we, trying to save 90 quid, but actually we’ve got to go on another flight somewhere else and connect somewhere else rather than just this non stop.
[00:21:33] Katie Bell: fly where we need to be and spend a little bit more money. Or we think, no, I’m going to wash my car. I can wash my car. Like it takes not even that long to wash my car because I’m not going to spend 25 quid to get somebody to come and valet my car whilst I am able to do something else in the business.
[00:21:53] Katie Bell: Okay. So we find ourselves saying, I’ve got no time. I’m really busy, but we’re spending a lot of times on low, lower hourly worth tasks than what we can create in our own business. So as a really simple example, if you are a clinician that can make your business a hundred quid, anything that is less than a hundred pounds in terms of worth in the business, so anything admin related.
[00:22:18] Katie Bell: Anything sending invoices, insurance, client, all those kind of things that go on. A lot of your marketing activities. If you could pay somebody less than 100 to do that job, then the answer is you should be delegating that job. But what we end up doing, and I used to be this person, is I would spend 10 task, which was ordering toilet roll.
[00:22:41] Katie Bell: ordering mint imperials for the clinic ordering theraband and stuff like that. And I spent hours on this stuff, answering emails oh, all this kind of stuff. And I got myself completely overwhelmed and burnt out and exhausted. And I was like something’s got to change. So what I did is I drew four boxes on a piece of paper and the top left hand box said 10 pounds.
[00:23:01] Katie Bell: The top right hand box said 25 quid. The bottom left said And the bottom right said a hundred. Okay. And that’s where you can start. And as your business grows, those boxes will probably start a hundred quid and grow to a thousand quid and more. So 10, 25, 50, a hundred. And I, for one week, every time I did a task, I wrote that task in one of those four boxes.
[00:23:27] Katie Bell: based on what I thought I would need to pay somebody to do that task for me. And it was a very interesting observational week because what I realised is that the majority of my time was being spent on 10 an hour tasks. I was seeing clients, okay, so yeah, that, whatever your hourly rate is, that might be 50 quid, it might be 100 quid, wherever you are there, but other than that, most of my time was in 10 an hour.
[00:23:57] Katie Bell: So I thought where do I start? So I thought I’m going to delegate that amount to somebody. I could pay 10, 12, whatever, an hour to do all of that for me. And that is how much time it’s going to save me hours and hours and hours, which meant I could use that time to spend on higher worth tasks.
[00:24:17] Katie Bell: So if you work with a client at 50. Or you work on a business idea that can generate twenty thousand pounds next year. That’s the trade off. I’ve said this before in one of my previous episodes, there’s always a trade off. When we say yes to something, we’re saying no to something else. And I want you to start thinking about what you are saying no to, what you’re trading off.
[00:24:37] Katie Bell: And we often trade off the things that we think are hard. We think business development’s hard. We think business strategy is hard. We think financial forecasting is hard. So what we get consumed by is the low worth tasks, the 10 an hour tasks that completely take over your life. I have somebody that comes and ballots my car.
[00:24:57] Katie Bell: Makes me sound like a really No, actually it doesn’t. I’m judging. I’m putting my judgment out there. So I have this person that comes about my car and I actually used to about my car myself every week. I love a clean car. Okay. It’s really important that my car is nice and clean. And I realized that by the time I’d got the hose out and got all the paraphernalia out, and I’ve got the hoover out and got the extension lead out, and I’ve done it all properly.
[00:25:22] Katie Bell: And I’d made probably a very average job because I’m not a great car baller to let’s be honest. It was probably taking me an hour and 15 minutes. And I was then at this person that was constantly saying, I’m too busy. I’ve got too many things to do. So the first thing I did was I got a cleaner, I got somebody to develop the car, I got somebody to do all the windows at home, I got somebody to do the garden, and I literally just freed up that time for myself because it’s really important, my environment is really important in how I function as a person.
[00:25:48] Katie Bell: So if my environment is off, I am off. I like to have a clean house, a clean car, an organized garden etc. Okay? It won’t be important to everybody. But you will be doing things in your week that are completely consuming you, that you could delegate to somebody else, which would free you up the headspace, if nothing else, to start working on those bigger tasks.
[00:26:13] Katie Bell: If you’re somebody that is really busy clinically and you feel like you don’t want to see more patients, I don’t want you to free yourself up to see more patients. I want you to free yourself up to be able to go and work on those higher worth tasks. I’m going to give you another example of what happened to me last week.
[00:26:33] Katie Bell: I went to the vets, the dog had a vomiting bug. It was utterly horrible. Delightful. And I was in there seven and a half minutes, it cost me 101. 80, I had absolutely no qualms in paying it because if any of you are dog lovers you will absolutely understand that you will pay anything. But for seven and a half minutes, did I think that was low value?
[00:26:52] Katie Bell: No, I was like, if the dog needs an injection to stop him vomiting, he needs this thing on his food. They could have sold me anything. I was going to buy it. I have absolutely no question about paying that. However, when we get ourselves into a situation where we are providing that service, we’ve got crimes about spending 35.
[00:27:09] Katie Bell: on a, a half an hour physio session. So understanding the value of your time is really helpful, but you need to know what you want out of your life to get the most accurate idea of the value of your time. So I hope that you have taken loads from this episode. I want you to think about the, your, the positioning of your price.
[00:27:35] Katie Bell: How did you create that hourly rate for you? How did you set your prices at that level? Are you positioning your price as the expert? Are you positioning your price that makes you feel uncomfortable? Are you positioning your price in a way that allows you to create better better conditions for delivery, better ways that you can solve your client’s problems?
[00:27:55] Katie Bell: Or are you charging so low that that you’re struggling to provide the results and the resources that you want to for your clients. Are you spending most of your time in a week on those 10 an hour tasks? And if you do nothing else after this you can head into our Facebook group. There is a resource on there where you can download that chart that I talked about.
[00:28:18] Katie Bell: There’s boxes 10 an hour, 25 an hour, 50 an hour, 100 an hour. And for one week, all you need to do is every time you do a task, Write down where you’re spending your time and you can start to just delegate those 10 pound an hour tasks. So my question to you, having listened to that episode, is how much is your time really worth? I would love to just spend one minute to invite you officially to Clinic Growth Live. We are now live, open, selling tickets, whatever the right word is, but last week we went live and we have already sold over 50 percent of the tickets to Clinic Growth Live within week one.
[00:29:02] Katie Bell: So if You’ve been meaning to get on this and not do anything about it, here is the sign, here is the reminder that you need. It’s the UK’s only event dedicated to passionate physios, osteos and sports and massage therapists like you who want to grow their clinic, who want to change their lives, who want to work less, make more money, help more people.
[00:29:24] Katie Bell: If you are burnt out, you’re tired, you’re not truly happy and wondering if it’s worth all the stress, you need to be at this event. If you find yourself constantly buried in appointments, but you’re not even making what you would in the NHS, then join us at this event. If you feel like you just keep working harder, in the hope you’ll get different results But you’re just getting more of the same, then please come to this live event.
[00:29:47] Katie Bell: And if you’re frustrated with marketing and you’re never getting anything to work, or you don’t really even understand most of it, then we are, we have got your back. This is what we are going to cover at the live event. I totally get it because I’ve seen it all first hand. I’ve been there, I’ve done it. I know most of you know that I qualified as a physio in 2008. I went to work in a private clinic. I learned some invaluable lessons. I learned a lot about what to not do and how I wanted to be as a leader. And so after five very eye opening years, I decided to do things differently and I went out on my own. How hard can it be, right? I was really lucky because as you guys are, I know this, I get to talk to you.
[00:30:29] Katie Bell: You’re amazing at what you do and I was that person. I was great at what I did. So a lot of them wanted to follow me to where I was then going to settle my own clinic. So within a week, I was really busy. I was fully booked. But I had a very rude awaiting because I was working six days a week.
[00:30:45] Katie Bell: My diary was jammed. I was like a circus performer. Wearing multiple hats the physio, the cleaner, the finance manager, the marketer, the salesperson, the receptionist, the practice manager, the lot. And I know some of you still feel like that now in your business. And I was absolutely exhausted and I just felt like I could just keep working harder and then I’ll achieve the success that I want.
[00:31:05] Katie Bell: Guys, this could not be further from the truth. I was wrecked. Absolutely wrecked. Now, let’s fast forward. I have an amazing team. I have a team of 30. I have a big clinic and I don’t have to do that much within it anymore because my team are great and they are empowered and love what we do and I can lead from the front.
[00:31:29] Katie Bell: But one of my biggest passions, one of my biggest missions is to help other clinic owners. like you to find a new way to grow their clinic and remove this stress, remove this frustration. And this, what I frankly see in the industry is complete burnout. So at Clinic Growth Live, Friday the 25th of October, you’re going to discover the clinic success tree. I’m going to reveal exactly what you should be doing to grow your clinic in what order and in the sequence. Because So many clinic owners I speak to, they’re so busy fixing the branches. Let’s talk about the branches, the top part of the tree in the hope that they will get the fruits, which is the time, money, freedom, energy.
[00:32:08] Katie Bell: But they have got no focus on the strategy, which is the trunk and the roots, which is your performance as the clinic owner. So we’re going to deep dive into all of that stuff. We’re going to talk about a strategy to predictably grow every single month. We’re going to talk about the secret to marketing that helps you get noticed, helps you generate a consistent flow of inquiries without, can I just say, having to post on social media every five minutes.
[00:32:33] Katie Bell: And we’re going to talk to you about how to package your services up so your clients want to pay you more for even less hours. The secret is not just keeping, is not just having you trade money for time. And we’re going to talk about that mindset switch that will take you from that busy clinic operator, the circus performer, to a successful clinic owner.
[00:32:55] Katie Bell: I know from brutal experience that you’ve been trying to grow your clinic in all the ways you believed you would get you the best possible results. Doing more CPD, cramming your diary, seeing more patients, posting on social media every day, spending loads of money on a website, attending masterclasses but then actually not implementing any of them, buying more equipment, wasting money on boosted posts and Facebook ads, I, adding more and more services, I have seen it all, I have tried it all, I know what works, and sadly we often end up in the same position.
[00:33:24] Katie Bell: So you need a simple process to follow that will guide you through your clinic’s growth. And that I’m going to reveal to you at the live event. We’re going to talk about mindset. We’re going to talk about your master plan. We’re going to talk about your marketing. We’re going to talk about your money.
[00:33:39] Katie Bell: And you need to be at this event if you want to work way less hours. If you want to become the clinic owner that drives the business forwards. If you want to spend more time doing what you love. Enjoy hands off marketing. Build a great team. and consistently take home 4, 000 or more every single month.
[00:34:01] Katie Bell: Let me tell you why you should not attend Clinic Growth Live. It’s because it’s really not for everybody. So if you fall into one of the categories that I’m about to read out to you, then you have my permission to just stop this podcast episode. If you’re a chiropractic clinic or in the beauty or holistic industry, this event is not for you.
[00:34:19] Katie Bell: If you’re already smashing it, you have loads of free time, you have plenty of monthly income, This clinic event is not for you. If you’re sticking with your belief that I had, that you can just keep doing more, then don’t come to the Clinic Growth Live event. If you’re not open to a new way of doing things, if you’re determined to figure it all out for yourself, and if you think that everybody else is the problem and not you as the clinic owner, then I’m afraid this isn’t the event to be at.
[00:34:45] Katie Bell: But, if you want to do things differently, get your ticket today. I’m so excited. I’m also ridiculously nervous because I’m going to be presenting all day in front of 200 amazing clinic owners who I am super passionate and really care about and I really want you to have amazing clinics. Thrive is on a massive mission.
[00:35:06] Katie Bell: We are here to impact, positively impact the lives of a million people or more by 2027. How do I do that? Because I can’t work with a million people. The way that we do that is we. Up level. We give you confidence, we give you structure, we give you strategy as the clinic owner because then you can go into your community and positively impact lives.
[00:35:28] Katie Bell: It’s that ripple effect. It’s that dropping that pebble in the pond and seeing that ripple. Come out over and over and over again and wider and wider. That is what we are here to do. I personally want to give every single body, every single person in the room a massive hug. We’ve got music, we’ve got staging, we’ve got lighting, we’ve got community.
[00:35:45] Katie Bell: We’ve got a hot lunch going if you want to be on the VIP ticket. We’ve got an implementation session happening for those of you who choose the VIP option and want some more time with me to get this shit done. It’s so exciting. If you haven’t already, On the link below on the show notes below and get your seat today.
[00:36:04] Katie Bell: It is too good an opportunity to miss. I can’t wait to see you there.