Episode 49
Mindset Matters – Using Language to Transform Your Business with Philippa Aldridge
About this episode
Welcome back to another episode of the ‘Treat Your Business’ podcast, in today’s episode, your host Katie is joined in the studio by regular guest host Philippa Aldridge.
Today Katie and Philippa are discussing the profound impact that the words we use can have on our business outcomes. They begin by acknowledging that they both share a commitment to personal development and continuously working on their mindset.
Key Takeaways:
1. Toxic Positivity vs. Emotional Awareness: Reflecting on how they both embrace their emotions and use them as a driving force in their work. They highlight the importance of tuning into how people are feeling and the role it plays in their businesses.
2. The Ego and Fear: Katie and Philippa discuss the natural cycle of shifting between gratitude and fear as entrepreneurs, especially when stepping out of their comfort zones. They stress the need to recognise when fear is influencing decisions and how to navigate it.
3. The Value of Coaching and Support Networks: Both emphasise the crucial role of coaches and support networks in their personal and professional growth. They explain how coaching has been instrumental in their progress.
4. Changing Your Language and Thoughts: Philippa shares a practical exercise to change negative thought patterns. She advises writing down these thoughts, questioning their validity, and then consciously shifting to a more positive perspective.
5. Getting Out of Your Head: Katie recalls advice from a past coach, suggesting that when you’re stuck in a negative thought loop, physically do something different to break the cycle. This helps shift your energy and mindset.
6. Evidence-Based Thinking: Philippa advocates for documenting positive changes and evidence of mindset shifts. Writing down your successes and noticing the difference in your perspective can be incredibly motivating.
7. Applying Language Shifts in Leadership: Katie mentions a technique she uses with her team, where they record their achievements and positive experiences. This helps maintain a positive team dynamic and energy.
As you’ve heard, the words you use are either holding you back or propelling you forward in your business journey. It’s essential to take responsibility for the language you use and its impact on your mindset. By embracing your emotions, shifting your language, and seeking support when needed, you can transform your business and personal life.
Thank you for joining us in this insightful episode. Don’t forget to subscribe, share with your friends, and leave a review if you found this content valuable. We’ll be back with more exciting discussions and practical tips to help you thrive in your business. Until next time, keep your mindset positive!
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- 0:00-Language and internal dialogue impacting thoughts and actions.
- 7:05-Language, vibrations, and perception in business.
- 14:39-The power of thoughts and vibrations.
- 19:20-Limiting beliefs and manifestation in business.
- 23:30-Shifting mindset to attract positivity and growth.
- 31:01-Recognising and managing limiting beliefs in business.
- 39:01-Breaking negative thought patterns through mindfulness and reframing.
- 44:53-Mindset and language for business success.
Katie Bell:
Hi listeners. Welcome back to this episode of the treat your business podcast. My name is Katie Bell and I am your host and I am super excited to welcome back the truly fabulous. Philippa Aldridge.
Philippa Aldridge:
Thank you, Katie. Thank you for having me again. Can you tell by my introduction that I’ve been watching at home with the Furies on Netflix
I haven’t started that yet. That’s brilliant. Love it.
Katie Bell:
Oh, it I thought I was gonna hate I thought I was gonna hate everything about it. And I love everything about it. Paris fury isn’t she is my new my new girl. Like, she is a powerhouse. She’s amazing.
So you’ve got a new idol is what you’re saying?
Katie Bell:
You got to watch it. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Anyway, anyway, enough about me and my Netflix, watching Filipina thank you for being on podcast. Again, this is your third time back by popular demand. And we are going to be talking Well, we’re gonna go behind the scenes a little bit on why because you and me are both in in our day to day coaching lots and lots of clinic and studio owners and we get to hear things, we get to see what’s going on on the ground. And we get to listen to what our clients are saying, and therefore what they might be thinking. So we’re going to talk about watch watching. Like not only just with, we’re often so busy trying to like do everything in our business and trying to get on that hamster wheel and see clients and spin all these plates. And we’re just busy, are we busy being busy, but actually what we need to be able to do with stop and recognise how we are speaking therefore what we are thinking and therefore the actions that we are going to take as a result of our words, which are which come from our thoughts. So you’re here to kind of give a bit of a behind the scenes down the ground view on this, aren’t you?
Philippa Aldridge:
Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Would you like me to just go for it, Katie,
Katie Bell:
just go for it as you do so well.
Philippa Aldridge:
So I think when Katie and when you and I were discussing this, we you know, what are the sorts of themes that are coming up the most. And for both of us, we agreed it was about the language, the internal and the external dialogue about, we hear our coaching clients talking Yes, about certain things. And they are inadvertently bringing more stress into their lives. By thinking it’s difficult, you know, to do X, Y, and Zed. And it’s really important from a mindset point of view that we remember that words have energy. And it’s important to watch our language. So I’m not saying what’s your language, as in, you know, your profanities and all of this sort of thing. And because if we want to be professional, we want to pay it appear a certain way. But we also have to be aware of how our language is impacting our thoughts, our beliefs, how we’re interacting in the world, because many, many of your listeners will have heard the phrase what you focus on expands? Yes. And if we are saying things like, there aren’t enough clients around or people don’t have enough money, or there aren’t any specialist physios, then that’s exactly what your brain is going to show you because, and we’ve talked about this before, as well, I think is that, you know, 4 billion pieces of information hit your eyes every second, we only process 2000 of those pieces of information. And if I’ve got that statistic slightly out of off by, you know, a few 1000, then I apologise, but it’s the same, the same thought. Yeah. And the it’s a good example. And the reason or the the way we process things is based on our belief system. So if we’re constantly saying that, you know, there aren’t enough clients around our mind is going, she believes that there aren’t enough clients around, we might show her evidence and information that there aren’t enough clients around. This is like you will have friends, family members, all of those sorts of things who’ve got completely different views. And one of the things that I love is that road traffic collisions now they’re not road traffic accidents. The police don’t take witness statements. So I witness statements as seriously as they used to because they realise that I witnesses will see based on their belief system. So for example, and I use this example like if, if you’ve got a lorry, there is an accident between a lorry and let’s say A white van, depending on what people think about lorry drivers or white van drivers will depend on how they see the accident. And what bits of information they see if you saw an accident between a white van and a mum in, you know, in her four by four, depending on what you think about mums with her to their children and their four by four and white vans will depend who a part of you believes is at fault. And so this is why they’re constantly asking for dashcam footage, because that is far better. Because we we think, in our head, those are those words that we are using. Like, for example, white van drivers are always driving too fast racing around Yeah, find that show. We’re an example of that, that is true in this situation for a part of us, but somebody else might see something completely different. And this is why then, as physio, clinic owners, or studio owners, you know, it’s really important that we’re aware of our language, because if you’re saying there aren’t enough clients to go around your mind is showing you that information, gathering that information and feeding that system. And also was really important, you can just be saying that internally, you might not have even actually said that out loud. And it will be having a massive impact on your ability to see opportunities. If you think that there aren’t enough clients around you, that’s a dead end. If you think there are enough clients to go around. There are opportunities everywhere you will see those opportunities. But also, I’m often one now, Katie, I’ll let you talk in a minute. Okay. I’m sorry. But it’s also it’s the our words, if we are actually saying things, they actually teach the people around us how to interact with us. So if we are saying to the people around us, there aren’t enough clients to go around. Especially if we’ve got team team are going to agree with us. Tim wants to please us, family members will then think no, no, you know, things are bad because there aren’t enough clients to go around. It’s a basic human need to feel that we belong to feel that we fit in. And so if you are saying that out loud, people around you, we’re going to say that you are teaching them how to interact with you. That’s huge. Because then you come in a call with either Katie or me or whatever. And you go, well, there aren’t enough clients to go around. We’re like, What do you mean, there aren’t enough clients to go around? There’s loads I’ve just spoken to so and so and they’ve got loads of new clients this week. What do you mean? Oh, well, you know, I’ve been saying this, and I’ve been seeing it and we haven’t had people through the door. They forget the What else has happened? A part of us forgets that evidence. And I think that this is really important as well. You will forget the good stuff. Yeah. If you’re constantly talking about the bad stuff, people will say like, I’m gonna use the weather as an example. Right? Here. People are saying we’ll have a terrible summer. It’s been a terrible some of the weather has been terrible. We don’t remember the hot days. We don’t remember the sunny days. We don’t remember the dry days. All right, okay. I’m not getting into an argument with people about how many sunny days there have been, but we won’t remember them. We will just whitewash the whole lot with it’s been a terrible summer. And I think that that’s really important that we’re aware of that if I asked you to look back over the year so far, and tell me all the good things about the year most people in if they’ve been brought up in the UK will only remember the bad stuff, it will be really difficult for your brain to pull on the good stuff. So and also remember that also your language, your language, your words, whether it’s your internal or your external dialogue, is having a massive impact on your vibration. And we all know if we go to a party, we can walk party, go to a gathering that party. You may go to parties. Katie, I don’t I go to bed. Yeah. So an afternoon soiree, I feel is more my kind of thing. You go walk in, and you can see the people you can feel the people that you want to spend time with. Yeah, because of how they are vibrating. It’s not that you will see somebody in that corner and you’ll think, oh, you know, they’re smiling. They’re laughing. I want to talk to them. And the person who looks sad or glum or is whatever you don’t want to, we just know because it’s to do with vibrations. But also, that then is going to have a massive impact on who’s going to want to come to your clinic or to your studio. If you’re constantly in that low vibration, that low mood even if new people come. They may not stay because clients don’t stay and there aren’t enough people to go around terrible state of affairs at the moment. Good grief, you know, no one’s going to be attracted to that energy, you can deliver the best session in the world. But if your internal dialogue is negative, and your language is not as abundant as it could be, then people aren’t going to stay. Okay? I’ve said a lot, Katie, I do apologise for getting getting overexcited about it. But this is what we’re this big topic for me. I love this topic.
Katie Bell:
But, but my brain is now my brain is now filtering. What you’re saying. And it’s making my own version up of what you’ve said, based on what I believe. So this, this goes back to like, even just the conversations that you can have, and you know, when maybe when, like team members or clients, like send you a message that triggers you that makes you like some form of reaction. That’s is that because we have our own kind of thought process or belief around that person or around that situation? It goes through our filter, and then we respond.
Philippa Aldridge:
Yeah. So we all have our own values, our own belief system, we all have our own boundaries, don’t worry about what is right and what is wrong. We all have our own expectations. We all have our own trigger words. So everything is a perceived experience. It is true for us in that moment, but it might not be the truth for somebody else. And I think the example of text messages is really important. Yeah, people read the text message. And some people will think, Oh, yes, straight to the point. Another person will think, Oh, my God, they hate me. Yeah, so I think this also comes into mind as well, depending on what sort of personality you have as well. And you and I have spoken about this, you know, if we go with the I’m Hi, personality testing your yellow, yet you’re low detail. I’m blue, I’m incredibly high detail. And so therefore, it’s important in that interaction for us that we recognise that because if you don’t give me enough detail, a part of me can go off on a tangent, thinking about other things. Whereas if I give you too much detail, you’re totally enough and you’ve lost your interest is too much. So it’s very important as well, to realise that we have to be when we read something or hear something. It’s asking ourselves, is that true? What does that language mean? To me? Does it mean the same thing to everybody else? It’s the same in a very basic way, it is like using profanity, some people will say, that’s absolutely fine. Swearing is okay. Some people will be very offended by it as well, you know, so we all have our own boundaries. But it’s that massive impact that it has on how we show up in our business, and how we teach the people around us to interact with us. Because if we’re not using the language that builds us up, we can very, very quickly start to spiral downwards, into a space where we’re in a lack fixed, closed mindset. And everything is horrendous.
Katie Bell:
And what I liked about what you said before Philip, which was like a real, it kind of being I was reading a book over the weekend, I’m always reading personal development books, on this book, I was reading was talking about this very thing about how you vibrate and what you’re thinking about. And what you just said there was, it’s not always just about what you think and then say, it can be even just the thoughts that you’re having can mean that you are vibrating at a certain level. And that means that the person that you are thinking about or the situation that you are thinking about, can you will just create more of it, you don’t even need to say it for it to be created. And I, I was in a been in a situation where there’s been something going on for me and I was thinking I need to, like in my in my business, I need to change the situation like how all I was doing was focusing on the lack, what’s not working, what’s not happening, what’s not good enough. And but I wasn’t necessarily communicating that. I was just thinking it and I was wrapping my head around it in the night, you know, at night, I think. And all I was doing was focusing on the lap. And sure enough, all we were getting more of was that very same thing. And then I decided literally over the weekend, I need to shift my thoughts on this because my brain doesn’t know what’s true and false, does it it just knows what I’m thinking. Just thinks well, I think you might you can explain this in a much better way. So I thought okay, well that isn’t really working out for me. So I’m gonna think something different And, and then lo Behold, on Monday morning, the experience that I had was polar opposite with this situation. And I know even verbalised it
Philippa Aldridge:
we don’t shifted how you were filtering things. But you’d also by shifting how you were filtering more towards the positive, that obviously changes your vibration. But that people people can are, I would say, just from a simple physics point of view that that can change your vibration, you know, remotely as well with that person as well. But even just the way one walks, when our vibration is higher, our posture, which you know, for all of your listeners, it’s a big thing is kind of be completely different. Yeah. And, and when we are in that lack mindset, when we are thinking that everything’s going to pot, I, I can feel prickles coming of people. So they’re actually sort of repelling trying to actively push the good stuff away. Because they’re then in that sort of protective mode. You know, I see them like, you know, massive porcupine, sort of with prickles coming off, then it’s nothing good is coming from there because no one wants to come near you. And so it immediately puts everybody’s metaphorical prickles or hackles up around you. Because what’s that all about? But just simply by changing your thought process and changing your vibration allows not only you to focus on, on the good stuff around you and see what may have already been happening all along. Yeah, that may have already been there all the time. It’s just because a part of us was focusing on the lack focusing on this isn’t going right focusing on, you know, I can’t see a way out of this. Because that’s all we’re focusing on. We don’t see any of the good stuff. We don’t see the opportunities and the number of people that I coach and say, what would be the opposite of this? What would you like instead? Are there any examples of that? Can you see that anywhere else? Have you heard anybody else talk about that? What would you say to me if I was saying those words to you? You know, and the penny drops? And they’re like, Oh, well, yeah. Okay. All right. Yes. So it’s, it’s, I think the thing is, Misery loves company. Yeah. And our internal self, once we start on that spiral of misery and negativity, other parts of self join in. And we put ourselves straight into that stress response, which immediately numbs out parts of our brain that we need for thinking creatively to get out of situations. So that is really important as well, to be aware of that, that, you know, the stress response means that certain certain parts of us like our prefrontal cortex isn’t isn’t on board at that point. So
Katie Bell:
there’s some of the things that we have for the behind the scenes on the ground. Today, I hear a lot of, but I’m really busy. I don’t have time. Their clients won’t pay my new price. The cost of living means that people are stopping spending money. Why is anybody going to listen to me in the midst of all of the noise? Because what what? Why Am I important? Why should I be visible? What if I, what if I take this extra room or this extra clinic space, and then I don’t get the clients? recruitments really hard, I can’t find the right team. Team don’t ever work like I work. And so So when that’s their narrative. And, you know, not everybody has all of them, but a lot of us have some of them. What you’re then saying is, that is our of sole focus. And therefore, because like a tuning fork in a room, if we don’t know what the word is being a tuning fork, like tapped it, it would find it whatever it would resonate with the same one that’s on the same vibrational level in the room, the other one would do the same winter. So that is, what’s in the law of attraction is that if you are putting that out there, it’s literally filtering and finding what’s resonating at that same level and bringing it back to you. So you’re gonna get more of no deal, no time, no money, no energy, you know, no presence, no performance within the team. All of these things, you’re just going to feel like happening more and more and more.
Philippa Aldridge:
Totally, and even if even if the law of attraction doesn’t resonate ate with people. If you think about it, if you’re in your clinic, and you’re thinking there aren’t enough team around, there aren’t any team, there aren’t any team. There’s not enough team, I need more. I need more team members, but there aren’t enough physios to go around, or there aren’t enough Pilates instructors to go around, That immediately puts you in a stress response, that immediately goes there’s a threat, there’s a threat, this is this is a life and death situation, there aren’t enough team to go around, you’re never gonna see that there are team around because you’ve just told part of your brain that this is a life and death situation and there isn’t team around it, you’re not been thinking creatively seeing opportunities, you were only seeing ways to keep yourself safe. And keeping yourself safe is there aren’t team around, because that has become the habitual narrative within. So you’re not going to move out of that metaphorical comfort zone that you will hear people talking about if there are team around because that’s not safe. On the other side of that we’ve got stay here there aren’t team around. So it’s just it and a night. And I know that sometimes to think about the fact that there are other great members of Team around I just haven’t found them yet. Is is a so far away from where you feel in that moment. But it’s just writing that down. Just writing that down for those people, you know, people won’t pay man money or there’s not enough money to go around. Go and stand in an airport and see where people are travelling on holiday. Go and stand at the end of your road and look at the number of new cars going past. Yeah, all of those just very simple things to remind a part of you that there is money around go and sand in Sainsbury’s watch people what people are buying, you know, those sorts of things. Just go around and give yourself some evidence. Because once we’ve got into that mindset, where our internal dialogue is so strong, that there’s not enough money to go around. There aren’t, you can’t find team, it’s really, really hard. We have to actively go out and find that evidence if we want to change that. Because otherwise, it does become quite challenging. Not that it’s not going to happen. But it can be quite challenging. If you’ve been there a long time. Definitely.
Katie Bell:
And it’s selling I always think it’s it’s shifting that narrative in your day to day life. We’ll make an impact in August forms. You know, if if I’m in London, and I went to London in June in July with one of my pals and we went to see Hamilton at the theatre, and it was and we went out for lunch. And it was absolutely amazing. The campaign’s round, right, London was wrapped the tubes around, it was sweaty, I had my head and saw his armpit. There was all sorts of stuff that I did not want to have to experience on that moment. However, in my mind, Powell, she was amazing. But she looks she’s she’s sometimes a glass half empty, she probably believes into it. And might might like hard wirings to be the glass half half full. So I she would say to be so hot that they’re sweaty. It’s Oh, my God. And I’m like, but how good is it that all these people are here spending money? Like, isn’t it great to see that the theatre is packed on a matinee on a Thursday in London? Isn’t it great to see that we need to make a reservation because all look at the proof that that the economy is booming. And so it’s having that totally different view on what some people would go, Oh, who’s too busy? It was too hot. It was too sticky? No, actually, this is my brain looking for evidence because I need that to support my business growth. That people are spending money that there is money in the economy that we’re not in a complete, you know, do like the media like to tell us.
Philippa Aldridge:
And I think what you’ve demonstrated there is really important and and I think it doesn’t have to be a massive thing. It doesn’t even have to be to do with our business. It’s also listening to the people around you and thinking, how can I flip their thinking? Yeah, if people are, for example, I’m going to talk about the weather again. Yeah, people complaining about the weather. Yeah, it’s great. When it’s raining. Fabulous. It’s really great for my garden. My Garden blooming loves the rain. Yeah. I love the rain. I’m not going to melt like the like the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of divorce because of the rain. Funnily enough, it’s you know, we’ve got rain. That’s amazing. We have rain, there are countries out there that would die to have the rain that we have. Yeah, we have rain. That’s amazing. And it’s just flipping other people’s thoughts like, you know, the Yorkshire puddings a burnt are well, that doesn’t matter. We have got vegetables that just finding that little glimmer of good in all moments, then teaches our brain to look for opportunities to to teachers aren’t going to shift. And it’s just tiny little things. It’s and it’s also then thinking about when you get out of bed in the morning as well, rather than describing and I have been guilty me guilty of this as well, describing it as dragging your carcass out of bed in the morning. You know, I’ve woken up this morning, you know, my bed was comfy that’s, but it’s also it’s finding that good stuff I’ve woken up. I’m not being untrue here. I’m not trying to, you know, I’m gonna say polish a turd. Yeah, those are truths within that. Yeah, the part of me will go yeah, you’re still really tired. Yep, I got to go to sleep in a bed. Yeah, I got to be able to have running water in my house, it’s finding that good within all of those situations to just raise your vibration for when you go into business for when you are then looking for other things, because we have to teach our brain to look for opportunities to search for the positive to filter in a different way.
Katie Bell:
And so when you’re vibrating at a level that is fear, apathy, grief, maybe some level of anxiety, low confidence, or all those emotions, if that’s the right word to describe them, or ways of feeling. Am I right in thinking that that vibrational level, that level of hurts is like is low? And then when you’re vibrating, gratitude, empowerment, confidence, abundance? That’s all a high vibrational level. So we so yeah, are we trying to shift into that higher vibrational level so that we can we can go and attract those things that are very vibrating at that level? Also?
Philippa Aldridge:
Yes, and I think it’s very important here as well, to acknowledge that all emotions are valid. We are not saying here that any, any feelings are unnecessary. I am very much about feel all the feelings, right. Like to be a human being. Yes, on this magical ride that is life, it is important to acknowledge all the feelings to experience true happiness, there is the thought that one has to experience true sadness. But it’s also remembering for some of us being in that low vibration. Yes, in that anxiety. In that grief, I think you said grief. Fear is a necessary part of our journey. But sometimes for a part of us, we know that we don’t want to be there anymore. We want to make a change. And this is where questions like how long? How much? How often? How long do I want to be feeling this for, you know, how much how deeply do I want to feel it? Do I want to really be you know, stuck here, snot running down my face crying, you know, how deeply Do you know? And so how often how often do I want to be in this state? When do I want to do this every day? Do I want to do this once a month, you know, so allowing ourselves to know that there’s an opportunity to move from it if if we want to. And I think that that’s very important. We don’t want to get into a realm of toxic positivity, which is a whole nother story, you know, podcast, which we aren’t going to have, we’re not going to have time for today. But for those people that are ready to move that want to move that are in that space, then it is necessary to move to that higher vibration, to ensure that you are attracting like you said the things that you want to bring into your life. But if you are in that space of negative thinking there isn’t enough people won’t buy there isn’t money there aren’t there aren’t the well qualified people. There aren’t specialist, physios, you know, all of those sorts of things. If you want the opposite of that, you have to think the opposite of that. You have to say the opposite of that you have to vibrate at a different level for those things to come. And I think that’s really important, but I don’t they there is a fine line as well. We don’t want people to think that any feelings are unjustified because all feelings are valid. And it’s important to feel all the feelings and Katie and I feel all the feelings. Yes, I am renowned for my crying. I am a feeler of all feelings. Yes. And it’s important for me to do that. It’s part of my what I would say it’s part of my zone of genius is being able to feel all the feelings of myself and most people around me. So but yeah, that’s important.
Katie Bell:
I guess it’s recognising because I hate the toxic positivity thing like but I am You are a few of you are somebody that feels every emotion and you are so in Shoot, and that is funnily enough, why you do what you do. And a big part of it is I feel emotions and I can really tune in to how people are feeling. But for me, I’m, I’m a pusher down of emotion because I’m like, I don’t want to show vulnerability. I’m a leader, I need to boss things, I need to move forwards. I’m an action taker. And with that means that you can often not want to feel the feelings. And this is this is the kind of reality of, of how different people run their businesses differently. But I think what’s important is both Philip a will go from like, well, when you are talking about vibrational levels, like you and me still go from gratitude, to fear and gratitude to fear in any cycle of our business. And it’s really normal. As you step out of your comfort zone, and you go to the next level in your business, that you’re not always going to be back in talking about how grateful you are for everything, because a massive part of your ego wants to make you fearful, because that’s what it knows. And that’s where it wants to keep you. And it’s a it’s the ability to, like you just said, is to go, okay, see what you did here. See that I’m trying to create from a place of fear. How long am I prepared to stay here? How often am I prepared to feel like this? And how deep Am I prepared to feel like this. And it’s being able to have the tools and be around people, which is why mastermind. And being around a support network is so important to get out of your funk, when you are in your funk and you’re ready to shift out of it.
Philippa Aldridge:
Yeah, yeah, totally. And I think that this is, we both have coaches, we will always have coaches, it’s we will always be part of something because we know that for us. In our business, we have moved forward the greatest and made the most progress advanced to the next level. When we’ve been coached. Yes, and and we do that. And I think that that’s important as well. Because otherwise you will just stay stuck in that zone, that comfort zone on of fear. And it’s making that decision, if you decide you want done something different, then get the tools and the skills to help you in that. And that comes in my experience through working on your mindset, having your strategy, having the combination of those two things, having that accountability, not being on your own, you know, having like minded people around you. All things that aren’t, you know, that actually, we’re not creating anything new here, people. But actually, that’s where the magic is that it doesn’t have to be something elusive. It’s actually just, it’s right there. It’s really simple. Get people around you who can hold you accountable, help you with your mindset with your strategy, who will help you with your language and call you out on that and go. Is that true that there aren’t any specialist physios around? Are they not graduating this year, then? Yeah. Did they all? Did they all just disappear overnight? There must be some of them. Where are they? Oh, yeah. And that that is so let’s change the language, let’s change the phrase, let’s let’s allow them to come to us because we are vibrating at a higher level. But also because by saying things like, there are specialist physios out there, and I am waiting for them and attracting them to me, I see them at every opportunity, it allows us to then start looking for them, but I’m looking for them because I’ve told myself that they are they’re meanwhile vibrating at a different level. But lots of people can’t do that. Because once we’re in our stress response, and our ego is in charge, that can be tricky. But you and I, I think this is also what you were saying how we moved from gratitude, fear, you know, abundance to lack or we can do that. But we can also recognise that we’re there. And we can also know sometimes it’s necessary to stay sometimes in one spot for a little while because this is the gear change that we need to then propel ourselves but we’re not staying there for months, years. They might stay there for a couple of weeks, you know at the maximum and the impact that it has on our businesses, there is an impact but it’s relatively small compared to what we sometimes are hearing with our coaching clients so watching language is really important.
Katie Bell:
So if I want to watch my language and I have to do that in more ways than one often on this podcast because sometimes the old swear word but if I’m if if listeners are thinking okay, this is like this, this is maybe giving them that light bulb moment of why something’s happening in their life and they can’t shift it they can’t get out of it or they can’t seem to create what they really want to create the seems to be block, they can start watching what they’re actually saying. And they can. Sometimes I say things and I have to go, Oh, that was interesting that I just said that. And then I have to instantly change how I said it. Because it’s normal, it’s not. So. But then you’re also saying, let’s come back a step and think about what you’re thinking and change how you’re thinking. So what is something easy that they can do listeners can do if they find themselves saying the wrong thing? Or if they find themselves in a thought pattern that they can’t break?
Philippa Aldridge:
So the first thing that I would say is get it out of your head, write it down on paper? Yeah, that thought pattern is getting out of your head. Because while it’s in our head, we’ve only got one perspective. And sometimes, then when we put it on paper, when we read it, there aren’t enough specialist, physios to go around, there isn’t enough money to go around, a part of us will go, well, that’s a load of rubbish. And then you can ask yourself, the next thing to do is to say, is that true? Is it true for all of you? Or is it true for a part of you? Now, at this point, to eradicate that thought post completely? Yeah, it might be might be too challenging for your ego. So you can then say, having taken it out of your head, written it on paper? And is that true? Or not? Not? Sure. You can say a part of me believes there are not enough clients to go around. Another part of me knows that there’s enough for everybody, and they are everywhere. So then write down that a part of me believes, and the one thing that a part of you believes or thinks. And then what and then the opposite of that. And then just play with saying that over and over again to yourself that other side, you know that a part of me believes there aren’t enough clients to go around. They are everywhere, people are spending money. And just keep saying it to yourself over and over again, I would highly recommend saying it out loud. Obviously, not while you’re walking around Sainsbury’s and stuff like that possibly on your own? Yeah, people can be incredibly judgmental. So you can’t see our faces while we’re doing this, obviously can’t use is Katie’s keeps raising their eyebrows, which is brilliant. So, but get it out of your head is your first step. Ask yourself, is it true? Or is it true for part of me? And then do a part of me believes one side? And what does the another part of you believe? Or what would you like another part of you to believe? Because sometimes it is too triggering for the ego to say, I believe there’s like, No, you don’t you think the opposite of that. And that will just start on that process.
Katie Bell:
All right, that that is such a simple, simple thing that you can do, like right now from from listening to this, you can you can think and I think it just takes away the the level of importance of that thought when you go a part of me thinks that not all of me thinks that it kind of makes it feel like Oh, that feels a bit more easy to deal with, actually. And what do you remember years ago, pub, one of our business coaches, I’m sure it was our business coach that we shared, she would tell us to like go and do a handstand, or like, do something. If we’re in like that for post that you’re, you know, and you get and we know ourselves we get in a cycle of something. Anything I am just get like, now it’s gone. I’m on a roller coaster, and I cannot stop thinking about it or while myself about it. And I’m creating narratives and stories that are absolutely bullshit, but I’m going with it. I’m sure did she say to us it was like change your environment, go and do something like do a roly poly or a handstand or something to break that cycle.
Philippa Aldridge:
Yes, do something different. And the quickest way to get out of your head is to get in your body. Yes, that is the quickest way to get out of your head is to get in your body to do something. This is why so many people get clarity when they’re exercising. This is so many why so many people get clarity when they’re driving the car, because they’ve got to just, you know, they’re doing all the actions with their body or whatever. This is why this sounds slightly dodgy. This is why so many people have so many great thoughts in the shower, as well, you know, because they’re with their body at that point. You know, it didn’t mean sound. But this is why it is get out of your head, get into your body, go and do something else but also what you’ve just demonstrated there is a way to encourage your prefrontal cortex to kick in. So when you want your prefrontal cortex to kick in, you go and do something that you’ve got to really think about that requires a level of skill where you can’t be thinking about something else. I’ll be honest with you, Katie, if I went and try and try to do a handstand, I would be an AMA that is not me negatively thinking I’ve never been able to do a handstand, right? Yeah, I would take somebody out. If I tried to do cartwheel, roly poly, I’m there. I couldn’t do it. I could do a roly poly, I’d look like a pair of woodlouse, you know, in one of those balls, it’d be fabulous. But you’ve got to really concentrate. Juggling is another thing. Singing. Yeah, anything playing a musical instrument, which really requires you to be connected with your body in that moment. Yeah, it is a is a brilliant way to then break the cycle of a thought pattern.
Katie Bell:
And then finally, it’s about when you’ve broken the thought pattern. And being careful of what we we started with, with the language is thinking about how you can change the narrative around something. So rather than, you know, it’s always raining, or the airport’s really busy. You know, isn’t it wonderful, everybody is getting the opportunity to go on a holiday. It just feels so different, doesn’t it? And then you’re, as you said, your body reacts the way you want the way you hold yourself. You You look different when you are resonating at a different level.
Philippa Aldridge:
Totally. And this is then where evidence comes in. This is when writing things down. of, you know, isn’t it wonderful that everybody’s going on holiday when you’re standing at the airport? Yes. Getting I can think about I can think about this with family members who now have will now become infectious. Yes. Or contagious? One of those? Yes. Or it certainly does rub off and people will or they’ll actually say things like, if we’re stuck on the motorway in the car, is it? Isn’t it nice that we’re able to take this time with someone while somebody might be having the worst day of their life rather than, Oh, we’re gonna be late. Yeah, things like that. But it’s then for those of us that really need to move and shift quickly, is then starting to write down that evidence of how you’ve seen things differently, that different slant that you’ve taken on things, you know, and and making sure that you then read through that evidence of, isn’t it great that everybody’s going on holiday? Isn’t it marvellous that we were able to take our time on our journey, I remember sitting for five hours on the M 25. Once in the same spot. It it was unexperienced but even then, and I was I was early into my teaching career, then I remember thinking god, look all those wildflowers. I would never see these wildflowers if I wasn’t sitting here and it was amazing. The nature the bees or butterflies, all of that sort of thing. Forget the fact I was desperate for a way. Yeah, but you just notice different things. And noticing that is really important. But writing it down is important that evidence of what you’ve seen. So as you’re starting to make that shift, you’re starting to a part of me sees those clients and start to take a note B actually can’t think of the word the words have escaped me. But actually making sure you are doing it on purpose. That Oh, I’ve seen I’ve seen there’s a queue outside the butchers. Yet there are people spending money at the butchers. I’ve seen the the people next door at the hairdresser’s they’re taking on new clients, I see new clients coming into my door, I see that there’s been three inquiries, write it down, because your brain will forget it, your ego will block it from you. And then the following day, it’s all gone.
Katie Bell:
And that when you then get the experience of Oh shit, this stuff actually works. Like it will be instant, like the unit does not come to the universe, replace it with whatever, but it will deliver quickly. It did this stuff doesn’t take like, I’m gonna have to be weeks of trial and change, you can get instantaneous changes in results and start seeing things in a different way. So this is like it This is gold. Yes,
totally. But one has to when one sees those changes, not just take a mental note of them. I would say physically write them down like you’ve just told us about how you’ve shifted your thinking and your experience on Monday was completely different. I now know that I will remind you of that. Yes. Because you know, I’ve got that sort of memory I don’t forget stuff. But actually for those of us who don’t have somebody who who might remember those things, write them down to yourself. Take that personal responsibility to ensure you have that evidence filed for your ego. when it needs it that things are different and for your higher self for the more evolved part of you for your soul, if you want to call it that or your you know more of or evolved apart the parts of your brain that there is evidence that things are different And,
Katie Bell:
and just one final thought because I know our listeners like like things that they can do, you know, if you’re a team leader, if you’re a leader of people, one of the things that I do with my team in in our in our one to ones is that I asked them between our one to one time, this is in my physio world, they have an area in the back of their journal that they write down all of the great things that they have done, that they have achieved the things, the shoulders that they got better than the sciatic that they resolved, the ACL rehab, that they got back to running, they, you know, all of those, put the evidence down. Because when you go back for your month later with your one to one and you and you know, I always say, Okay, let’s talk about what’s new and good, we go to the back of the journal, and we then change the energy. Now it might be that you have got as a leader and a, a, a conversation that you’ve got to have, because something isn’t quite working, they’re not performing all the, they need to do something differently. Like, if you go in, in that energy of, of, of lack of fear of crisis of you know, they’ve not been good enough, then that is what you’re gonna get more of.
As you’re gonna say, it sets your energy as someone who’s having to deal possibly with a difficult situation, at the same vibration as the person sitting opposite you. So you’re both on a level playing field at that point. vibrationally, which is very important, because we can all we can all recall, where we’ve tried to have a conversation with somebody and it’s immediately put their hackles up and they’ve been on the defensive, our energy has led to that outcome. So it’s also then taking personal responsibility of ensuring that the energy and the just the environment that everybody is in, in that sort of meeting is, is set. And we do that through the language that we use. We obviously do it through body body language as well. But if we’re just talking about words today, as well, you know, it’s that it’s so so important.
Katie Bell:
Yeah, that we could literally do like a series on this can we fill up but there is so many aspects of being a great business owner, that probably this pub this episode alone has made people go, I thought was listen to this podcast was gonna get some really juicy strategy, tips and advice on how to get more clients through the door, like, this is the shit that you need to focus on first. And that is a we always say, mindset first strategy second, that is the way that we.
Philippa Aldridge:
Yeah, totally, totally. And just that simplicity of watching the words that you are using, your words are either helping or hindering you. That is it, the buck stops with you. And that is so empowering for a part of me, but also previously, and also sometimes it can be incredibly scary for a part of me as well. But that’s okay. I quite like that. But you know, I’m that I’m that level of Yes, mindset. So, as it were, whatever.
Katie Bell:
It’s a finish. Like let’s just that last sentence there. The words that you use are either hindering you or helping you and the buck stops with you. Yeah, Philipa you are an absolute ledge. You know, you are you the listeners will have loved this podcast. I have this episode. I have loved it. Thank you. So so so so much for giving up your very valuable time. And we will see you against because we want to hear more of what you’ve got. You are welcome listeners. Thank you for tuning in to this week’s episode. Tune in again next week. But please, please please don’t forget to share, subscribe, tattoo on your forehead wherever you need to do so that other people get to listen to this really, really powerful content to thanks for listening