Episode 90
Coaches Corner: The 2 missing ingredients 98% of clinic owners don’t have
About this episode
Hello and welcome to another exciting episode of the Treat Your Business podcast! I’m Katie Bell, your host, and I’m thrilled to bring you something truly special this week. We’ve got an incredible treat in store as I’m joined by my fabulous coaches, Nichola and Philippa, for another round of Coach’s Corner. We’re diving deep into the two missing ingredients that we see holding back clinic owners from achieving the success they desire.
Episode Summary
In this episode, we explore why so many clinic owners feel stuck, burnt out, and frustrated despite working tirelessly on their businesses. Nicola, Philippa, and I discuss the two crucial elements that often go unnoticed but are essential for creating a thriving clinic: mindset and having a clear master plan. We use the analogy of a cherry blossom tree to illustrate how many business owners focus on fixing the branches—like marketing or hiring—without addressing the roots (mindset) and the trunk (strategy) that support the entire business. We also share insights on why working on your mindset and having a strong, clear strategy are non-negotiable for long-term success.
Key Takeaways
- Mindset Matters: Your business is a direct reflection of your beliefs, values, and mindset. Without a solid foundation, no amount of strategy or tactics will yield lasting success.
- Master Plan: Knowing your destination and having a clear plan to get there is crucial. Without this, your business efforts will feel scattered and ineffective.
- Strategy Before Tactics: Before diving into marketing or team-building, it’s essential to establish a strong strategy that aligns with your goals and values.
- Continuous Growth: Mindset work and strategic planning are ongoing processes. As your business grows, so too should your mindset and your master plan.
- Community and Support: Surrounding yourself with like-minded, successful people is key. Events like our upcoming Clinic Growth Live are designed to provide the community, knowledge, and inspiration you need to take your clinic to the next level.
Join us for this insightful episode and learn how to shift from being overwhelmed and exhausted to confident and successful in your clinic business.
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- Book a Discovery Call to find out how our programs can help you grow your business https://call.thrive-businesscoaching.com/discovery-call
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This podcast is sponsored by HMDG a physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Allied Health specialist Marketing agency.
I have got a treat for you. this week. For those of you who’ve listened to Coach’s Corner, this was a new initiative, is that the right word? A new idea that I had that would bring my fabulous team together because just hearing my voice every week is obviously wonderful but it’s so much better when you hear the opinions and the thoughts and the advice from other people and particularly those in Thrive who are supporting people like you day in day out.
They really get it, they really understand. And I’m biased, but they are world class at what they do. We developed Coach’s Corner, Nicola, Philippa and I, recorded a episode about three months ago now. If you haven’t listened to it, please go back to it and listen to it. It was fabulous. , we are back again.
And this time, this week, we’re going to be talking to you about the two missing ingredients. that clinic owners, I would say 98 percent of the calls and conversations that I have before you’ve obviously joined Thrive, but 98 percent of the people that I talk to, these are the two missing ingredients that are creating the results in their business and their clinic that they are not happy with.
And most people are coming on the call wanting to fix lots of things in their business, but without these two. things that you’re going to find out about on this episode. Business continues to be cut, continues to be hard. It feels it’s just a constant struggle. Also you have some weeks that are great and then some weeks that are not so great, or your income’s unpredictable, or that you can’t take any holiday unplugged because you’re constantly having to service your people, your patients and your staff, and it just feels relentless.
So we are going to dive into this episode and we are going to explore the two. Key ingredients that you need to understand, that you need to fix, that you need to deal with before you can then go into getting your Google Ads to work better for you, making sure that you’ve got great team members, recruiting better, hiring better, bringing systems and software into your business.
So without further ado, let’s dive in.
[00:02:08] Katie Bell: Welcome to the Treat Your Business podcast with Katie Bell. I am Katie, and this is the place to learn the strategies, tactics, tools, and mindset needed. To build your clinic or studio into a business that gives you the time, money, energy and fulfillment you want and deserve. My team and I work every day with overwhelmed and exhausted clinic owners like you to shift them from a business that is a huge time and energy drain and is not giving them the income they want to confident clinic owners that are making money, saving money and getting time back in their lives.
[00:02:39] Katie Bell: So if this sounds like something you want, let’s dive in. This podcast is sponsored by HMDG, the leading digital marketing agency for the Clinicare is in the U. K.
[00:02:49] Katie Bell: Hello, welcome to this week’s episode of the Treat Your Business Podcast. I am very excited because I have got my two fabulous coaches with me. Nicola, say hi. Hello. Phillipa, say hi. Hello, everybody. Everybody, listen, this is going to be an absolute peach of an episode because we are going to be we’re going to be talking to you about some of the stuff that we are seeing.
[00:03:12] Katie Bell: We are hearing on a daily, weekly basis when we are coaching all of you fabulous people that we work with. And those of you who we don’t coach, but who attend our masterclasses and we get to have lots of lovely conversations with. And this is about, I want you to imagine that your business is It’s like a tree.
[00:03:28] Katie Bell: I’m going to choose a cherry blossom tree. And what we see a lot is people trying to fix the branches of the tree. So I want you to imagine that you hire a member of staff, or you think you need to just change your pricing, or you need to bring a new piece of software into your clinic. All of these things that you feel like you’re needing to do to fix a problem that you’re seeing.
[00:03:53] Katie Bell: And that’s great and that’s okay and that’s how we are as entrepreneurs. We look at a problem and we want to solve it. When we only work on fixing the branches, we’re missing out this big or we, or I guess we’re trying to fix things. And it becomes hard and it becomes challenging and we just feel like we’re not making any progress.
[00:04:12] Katie Bell: And both Philippa, Nicola and I see that there’s two main reasons for this. And no fault of our own really, we are here to talk about Nicola, you’re going to talk about the master plan. The bit that sits underneath these branches that holds them all up. And Philippa, you’re here to talk about the roots of the tree, which are under the surface.
[00:04:35] Katie Bell: They’re often not thought about, particularly when we first start coaching with people, they come in thinking they just need to do with marketing and be better at selling and all of those sorts of things. So the under the ground stuff is actually where we’re going to start. And it’s the foundation, it’s the roots that is going to create a predictable Philippa, welcome to The Roots.
[00:04:54] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah, welcome. Yeah, so obviously I want to speak about The Roots and what you’ve just said is quite important is that they are under the surface. So most people when they come and start working with us, what they have experienced in terms of what successful businesses looks like them is they’ve seen people doing the branches.
[00:05:14] Philippa Aldridge: But what they don’t see is the work that successful people do under the surface in the background, which is the mindset work. Time again, we see that as our clients become more and more successful with longevity and repeatability, it’s because they’re working on their mindsets. Because we know, because we’ve all worked on our mindsets, that it starts with you.
[00:05:39] Philippa Aldridge: That is where you get that repeatability, that longevity of success by working on your mindset. And that stuff happens behind the scenes, when nobody necessarily sees that stuff. And it goes deep and it goes wide, just like a root system would do. And it has branches off it. And without singing my own praises or whatever.
[00:06:01] Philippa Aldridge: That’s the beauty of, having me here as well is because I love doing that stuff. I want to find out where your roots go underneath the ground and what is making you tick. And one of my favorite quotes is, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
[00:06:21] Philippa Aldridge: And lots of our clients or people that we talk to on a regular basis, when they come to us, They are doing the same thing over and over again, repeating the same old patterns, thinking if I do more of this, if I do more of that. It’s all about the doing rather than the being. And we have to be And as we know about our values, be you always, we have to be true to ourselves.
[00:06:48] Philippa Aldridge: And unless you’ve got that sorted out, unless you’ve got that foundation strong, everything else is just not going to thrive. And if we use this beautiful analogy of the cherry blossom tree, if you don’t plant that tree in great soil, and it doesn’t have strong roots and the opportunity to set itself well, the first bit of wind that comes along.
[00:07:13] Philippa Aldridge: It’s going over. You’ve got to have that really strong foundation. You’ve got to have your mindset set. And for those of you that may have been, thinking, Oh, maybe I need to do a bit of mindset work. If you’re looking for a sign, this is it. If you’re listening to this podcast right now, this is your sign.
[00:07:32] Philippa Aldridge: You need to do some mindset work. Said with love and all of that sort of, gooey stuff. Yeah. But if you’re not doing That is probably 90 percent likely to be the missing key thing in your business and the success that you want to have. And
[00:07:48] Nichola Page: if you look at the most successful people, whether it’s in our industry, in anybody else’s industry, the common theme is They’ve worked really bloody hard on their mindset.
[00:08:01] Nichola Page: And when you try to copy somebody, because somebody might be the perception is that they’re super successful, and you’ve seen that maybe they’ve spoken about a particular strategy that they’ve done, a marketing strategy that works really well. It’s only worked really well for them. because of what they’ve done prior to that.
[00:08:20] Nichola Page: So some people copy what other people do and think, Oh, if I’ll just do what they do, because it’s worked for them. And then it doesn’t work for them. And they’re like, why is that I’m copying what they’ve done, but you’re not because you haven’t done. Yeah. Everything that you just said.
[00:08:35] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah, the under the soil stuff.
[00:08:38] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah, or under the surface stuff. And for those people,
[00:08:41] Katie Bell: yeah, for those people listen, Philippa, when we talk about mindset, because it’s a little bit of an umbrella term, it’s a little bit of a thing that I think is bandied about quite a lot.
[00:08:49] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah. And
[00:08:49] Katie Bell: and I know Particularly for me, I wrestled with this.
[00:08:54] Katie Bell: We’ve talked about this before on a podcast haven’t we Philipa? I wrestled with this a lot in the first years of my clinic because I was just the doer. So I just thought if I just doubled down and I just worked harder, then I would get more results. I would get the fruits on the tree. Time, energy, freedom.
[00:09:09] Katie Bell: That was a load of fucking shit because what I actually got was less of all of that, but I just worked, I was just trying to work harder because I thought that’s what I needed to do. And it was only when I got introduced to the mindset word and then I actually thought, okay, probably need to listen to this and think about it more and look deep in and see what was going on for me that I started to understand it.
[00:09:33] Katie Bell: But what I think people don’t understand is what it actually is. It’s it’s our belief systems, isn’t it? It’s our past experiences that have created what is now. Like your business, if you look around at your environment, it is a direct reflection of your current beliefs, thoughts, opinions, experiences.
[00:09:54] Katie Bell: So look at the. The house that you’re living in, the car that you’re driving the desk that you sat at, the clothes that you’re wearing, the people that you have in your team, in your network, your profit, your revenue, all of that has been created based on what you’re currently thinking and believing.
[00:10:10] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah. And I think that’s, it’s also understanding that a part of us, our belief system, our values that we have been working with for many years might not actually be Our own value and belief system. It’s something that’s been modeled to us. And as we all know, and without getting too deep, yeah, the most of our belief system is made between the ages of zero and seven.
[00:10:36] Philippa Aldridge: So a lot of us are running businesses. based on a belief system that was built through a child’s perception of an experience. So your money beliefs, yeah, so your money mindset around that, your beliefs around whether people like you from places like this can make money like that what people will think of you if you make more money, if you have a successful business, what people will think of you if you move away from your loyal family values and belief system and all of that sort of stuff.
[00:11:07] Philippa Aldridge: So Getting really, and I think what I want to caveat this with is, with the mindset work that I do, we don’t go any deeper than you want to go. This is all led by you and it’s all, we make sure that this is about a step by step process where you are held in a safe and secure environment that makes sure that you uncover the stuff that you want to uncover.
[00:11:31] Philippa Aldridge: Because some people think that mindset work is either too woo or it’s going to be really traumatic. Yeah. It’s neither of those things. And that is the beauty of how I’ve been trained as well. So with mindset work is about finding out who you really are as a human being and who you want to be, because also you’ve got a choice here.
[00:11:51] Philippa Aldridge: You can choose. Who you want to be, which for most people might feel a bit like of course I can choose who I want to be. But you can change your belief system. You can change those sorts of things. You can tap into what you really want and Be really compassionate and curious about how certain stories, programmings come up for you, when and why, and how actually we can use them as a strength, not be see them as a weakness as well.
[00:12:23] Philippa Aldridge: So
[00:12:25] Katie Bell: because if we think if we flip to the branches that business owners are trying to deal with fight fires on a day to day basis, they might think Okay, I need to get another team member in. Now, if you have a belief that you are like, or that your self confidence or your self value is low, you will not attract fabulous people to work with you.
[00:12:45] Katie Bell: You will attract shit. You will attract those people that don’t turn up, that don’t show up, that are not professional, that do not align with your values, and then you won’t get on calls with those and tell us, being a leader is really hard. No, being a leader is not really hard. If you have that, if you are emitting that right energy, you will attract fabulous people to
[00:13:05] Nichola Page: you.
[00:13:05] Katie Bell: So you have to stop and go, okay, what’s going on there for them? Likewise, if they say I need to increase my prices, so I’m going to put it up by the, by a pack of low fat butter, like two pounds, 60. What are we doing that for? But that’s a reflection of how we feel about ourselves and what value we provide and are we good enough.
[00:13:25] Katie Bell: Equally, Nicola might talk about us doing some more marketing in our business, but how do we feel about being visible and putting ourselves out there? Because the more visible we are, the more people are going to say things that you might not like, and that can feel worrying. What we can see is that all of these branches, we’ve got to fix them.
[00:13:44] Katie Bell: We absolutely fix all of them in Thrive, but we can’t fix them until we’ve dealt with the other stuff that is going on below the surface, because it just won’t work. As you’ve said, Philippa, you will feel that you’re on that repeating That like hamster wheel of, I’ve tried this and it didn’t work, I’ve tried this and it didn’t work, or I’ve tried to hire people and I just can’t find anybody.
[00:14:07] Philippa Aldridge: And I think
[00:14:08] Katie Bell: you stop and realize that’s coming from
[00:14:10] Philippa Aldridge: within. And I think it’s an that idea of looking within for some people, for a part of them can be incredibly scary, But you can do it in incremental steps. But it’s recognizing now that you’re, you will not get the longevity and repeatability of success unless you get your roots sorted.
[00:14:32] Philippa Aldridge: That is the bottom line. All three of us are living, breathing examples of the fact that our businesses were wherever our businesses were. We worked on our mindset and our businesses went there. Yeah, and that was not from doing more. Yeah. It was about, we worked on ourselves and we noticed our patterns and we noticed when they came up and we were able to go, that’s interesting.
[00:14:57] Philippa Aldridge: Why is that come up now? Yeah. We’re able to be far more compassionate and curious with ourselves to then be able to move forward and make changes that can actually seem relatively easy as well.
[00:15:12] Katie Bell: And I think it’s important to note that you’re never done with this. I’m not done with it, Nicola’s not done with it.
[00:15:18] Katie Bell: Philippa, you’re not done with it and you even teach this stuff. It’s a, it’s, we had a great call yesterday. We have a weekly Q and A, don’t we, for our clients on both of our programs. And it’s amazing to see the difference of how mindset evolves as you evolve as a business owner, as in a clinic home, because in the, Activate group.
[00:15:37] Katie Bell: It’s, it, the majority of what we, they think they need at that level is to talk about strategy in their business. And it absolutely is. They’ve got lots of stuff that they need to sort and fix and do or whatever. And that’s great. But there’s a lot of mindset stuff that we have to weave into that.
[00:15:54] Katie Bell: By the time they get to the elevator group, the majority of what we talk about is mindset and 5 percent is strategy. And it’s that wonderful shift that we see where clinic owners are making multiple six figures. And they are doing that because they have realized that the mindset is probably the biggest difference of what’s going to move them to that next level.
[00:16:16] Katie Bell: So they can’t out strategy this faulty mindset. They’ve got to, they’ve got to focus there. And I said to one of the members, I think we, I think you’re self sabotaging. And he said, I thought I dealt with that. And in a way, self sabotage is a joy that just keeps on giving, because when you are about to go to that next level, there are voices, there are things in your head that is going to want to pull you back to what you know and what is comfortable for you.
[00:16:42] Katie Bell: Everybody at every level has all of this stuff going on. It just shows up at different times and in different ways, doesn’t it? Yeah, and it’s shifting that idea of rather than, Oh, fuck that’s shown up or bugger off. Yeah, I don’t want you around at the moment. It’s going, Ooh, that’s interesting. Why that, why is that shown up?
[00:17:02] Philippa Aldridge: Why is a part of me stressed about something? What has triggered that? That’s interesting. And then being curious to then go, How can I soothe that part of me? How can I ensure that going forward that doesn’t come back up again? So it’s constantly then working with yourself, yes, to develop that, if you want to put it in very basic terms, mind fitness.
[00:17:24] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah, you don’t just go to the gym and train, yeah, for three weeks and think, Hey, I’m fit. Yeah, it’s done. Apparently you have to go forever. Who knew? Yeah, same with your mind fitness. You have to work on it all the time. And that is basically what Mindset Work, it’s Mind Fitness, and Mindset Work is it’s Mind Fitness.
[00:17:43] Katie Bell: And that’s just a tiny part of the roots, isn’t it? We’ve just scratched the surface, excuse the pun, around what is going on for business owners that we’ve really got to, we’ve really got to pull up and allow them to see that we need to work on that. Then, Nicola swoops in and deals with the master plan.
[00:18:03] Katie Bell: And this is another thing. This is what we see loads. Loads and loads of times happening is that they get in the car and they are trying to drive, let’s say from Sheffield to some unknown destination, right? And to get to that unknown destination in let’s say Scotland, somewhere there, you can’t use, you don’t use your sat map, you don’t even have a map, you just get your car and you just gotta figure it out.
[00:18:33] Katie Bell: And this is exactly how business owners feel, it’s like they don’t really know where they’re going. to start with. They don’t really know what that end destination looks like because we’ve not really looked at that growth plan or those goals. So we’re unclear about that, but we’re also unclear about what fucking direction we’re going in.
[00:18:51] Katie Bell: So we do a lot of right and left and forward and then reverse and go round the round about 65 times and then we come back and forward and it feels like business owners are just on this hamster wheel. with no real plan. So Nicola, we talk now about the tree trunk, don’t we? Yeah, this is, we’ve got the roots.
[00:19:08] Katie Bell: We now need to have this real kind of stability and this foundation and this plan. So tell everybody listening how we do that and why it’s so important.
[00:19:17] Nichola Page: The reason why it’s so important, let’s start with that. So let’s assume you’ve done some work on your mindset. The reason why this element is important for you to start with is A, so you can reverse engineer your business.
[00:19:29] Nichola Page: to what you want out of it. And B, all of the branches that we’re speaking about, the marketing, the sales, price increases, or whatever, they’re tactics. They’re just tactics to get you to the end result that you want. But first and foremost, we need to know what is the end result. the end result that you want.
[00:19:48] Nichola Page: And when I do an initial call with any of our new members, I’m asking, so what’s the plan? What do you want? For example, by the end of the 12 months we’ve got with us, where do you, what is it you want out of it? And they’ve never really given it enough thought. The vast majority of people go, Oh, I’ve never really thought about that.
[00:20:04] Nichola Page: They think that they’re coming onto a call to go, tell me what I need to do with my marketing. Tell me what my packages should and shouldn’t be. Yes, you’ve got to have that all created, but if we don’t know the stake in the ground that we’re actually putting in, we don’t know where we’re headed, you could go off on a tangent and try a marketing tactic, fix that branch, but then it could snap off or overweigh the tree and you’re going to fall down because it’s not where you want it to go.
[00:20:33] Nichola Page: So the master plan, the trunk of our Beautiful cherry blossom tree. The master plan is the strategy. It’s what’s the vision? What’s the end result where we’re going for? It doesn’t have to be your 10 year plan or your five year plan, but you want to go with where do you want to be in a year’s time? What does that look like for you?
[00:20:52] Nichola Page: How much, and it might be that it’s about the size of your team or for you, it might be about what you want to be able to pay yourself. And it absolutely should be that, even if you’re not necessarily money orientated. The reason why you have to have a plan about the finances is because you’re building a business that needs to be sustainable.
[00:21:14] Nichola Page: So if you don’t think about how it’s going to reward you as the owner. You’ll probably get six, seven months into it or whatever and it’s like I’m working bloody hard here and I’m the least paid person in my business. That will wear thin. So you need to think about that to start with and then we can go, okay if This is what you want out of it.
[00:21:36] Nichola Page: This is how much money you want to be able to reward yourself, and you should be. And how many clinical hours do you want to be working? What does it look like for you? How will you know when you are successful? That’s what we start with. That’s what we talk about. That’s the plan. That’s the end result.
[00:21:56] Nichola Page: And from there we can then go back and drill into, okay, in order for us to get there What are the key priorities, the key actions that we now need to start working on towards that? Now that might then be Okay it might be your pricing that you’ve currently got is not the right pricing to get you where you want to be.
[00:22:21] Nichola Page: So now we have to drill into, what does that branch look like? What changes we need to change that for that to blossom? Or it might be that you’ve got a dysfunctional team. that are blocking you from getting there. So then we look at that branch of go, okay, so what priorities have we got there? But the emphasis on the master plan is you being able to give yourself some time and thought and go, okay, what do I want?
[00:22:45] Nichola Page: What do I want for this business? Because if you’re not, if you’re not fed and watered. Your business cannot blossom and grow. And at some point, either you’re going to burn out or you’re going to just become very disinterested, demotivated with the business, all of which are going to have a detrimental effect to where your business, what your vision is, where he wants to go.
[00:23:10] Nichola Page: So that’s why that the trunk of the tree, the master plan, the strategy, we have to look at that. And coming back to the roots and the mindset stuff. If you don’t work on the mindset and understand what your beliefs are, your fears are, all of that, that will affect the goal that you say that you want.
[00:23:34] Nichola Page: Because if you believe you are not worthy or nobody like you, as Philippa said, nobody like you can make money like that your strategy will be stilted. Your master plan will be something and you’ll hold yourself back. Equally, You could have somebody who’s I can achieve everything in the world and have this crazy enormous goal that takes a huge amount of work and resources that when they don’t then achieve that in the time frame that they’re, they’ve like over egged what they can achieve and then say, oh I didn’t do that.
[00:24:08] Nichola Page: Then what goes on is they beat themselves up and they can, they compare and despair against others and all of that. The roots are crucial to understand, for you to be able to set the right master plan. And look, it’s, you evolve over time with this. So you might start the route down a strategy or a master plan and then realize that Oh my gosh, I’ve now got more aware that I’ve got this limiting belief.
[00:24:36] Nichola Page: I want to change my master plan. Absolutely. You bloody well can, can’t you? Because it’s your business. That’s the beauty of it. And you should. And you will. And that’s what makes it exciting. But to keep chopping and changing because you’re trying to follow what somebody else is doing and somebody’s told me I need to do this.
[00:24:55] Nichola Page: Who is this person that’s told you it? Are they a successful business owner? Because if they’re not, you don’t listen to them. All of that stuff goes on, but it comes back to your beliefs, your mindset. So hopefully by this you can see. See just how intertwined they are. There’s lots of tree emphasis going on here, aren’t there?
[00:25:16] Nichola Page: Intertwined branches, this and the other. But yeah, so that’s my take on that. Before you can work on your tactics and your branches, you need to know your plan. You need to have an idea of where we’re going.
[00:25:31] Katie Bell: And that for anybody listening to this episode who feels burnt out, who feels exhausted, who feels like they are on a rat race, who feels like they’re trying a lot of stuff and not really seeing any difference.
[00:25:42] Katie Bell: That last 23 minutes is exactly why.
[00:25:46] Katie Bell: And so what this does lead us on to explain is that we we were away together Nicola, weren’t we not so long ago and we’d had this idea of running a, all three of us had this idea of running a really amazing event for clinic owners in this industry who feel burnt out, who feel tired, who feel exhausted.
[00:26:09] Katie Bell: And quite frankly, our industry is lags way behind other industries in terms of these style of events and just having a brilliant experience where people can mastermind together. They can form this community. We can support each other. We can up level confidence. And self belief and self value across the whole industry because we have to do this together for us to see this change because we are underpaid and we are undervalued.
[00:26:36] Katie Bell: And so something has to change. So Nicola we were away together and we were talking about, maybe we should, and here, this was again, some mindset stuff that came up for us. Maybe we should do, like 50 people can do it in this room and, it’d be really nice. And. And we happened to be listening to somebody on stage, didn’t we?
[00:26:56] Katie Bell: And they were like, they were great and whatever. And I just turned to you and I think my words were, fuck that 50. We’re not doing that. We’re going to do 200. And you looked at me over your glasses and went, all right, we’re doing it then, are we? And I was like, yep, we’re doing it. If we’re going to do it, we’re going to do it big time.
[00:27:13] Katie Bell: So we got out of our own way and we decided that this is what we’re going to do. So we are hosting Clinic Growth Live on October the 25th. at the Hilton in Coventry. If you’ve never been to Coventry then you’re missing out, you need to be there. It is going to be probably one of the best days of my life in particular.
[00:27:35] Katie Bell: But ladies, just explain a little bit if you can from your perspective, because they’ve heard me talk about it a lot. What, why do people need to be at this event? And if you haven’t already got a ticket, Why the heck not? But tell them, give them your sort of thoughts about what difference this is going to make to them and to their business and their lives.
[00:27:55] Katie Bell: Should I go first,
[00:27:56] Nichola Page: Philippa? Yeah, go for it. Go for it. Okay. Philippa touched on it earlier in the definition of insanity. So right now, basically, if you are not happy with where your business life, because your business as a small business owner, your business life, Ultimately, one and the same thing.
[00:28:14] Nichola Page: If you’re not happy where you are at, you’ve got to do something different. And this is the difference that can make the difference. And that’s the short and long of it. Because you don’t know what you don’t know yet. We’ve touched on a little bit of it here. We can’t give you all the ins and outs that you need.
[00:28:32] Nichola Page: And also, in order for you to really embrace and take action on something, you have to be in an environment around like minded people. You have to be able to ask the questions that you don’t even know that you’ve got yet, and get the answers that you don’t even know that you need yet. And the only way you’re going to do that is to be at an event like this.
[00:28:56] Nichola Page: Like that is going to lift you and help you to move you forward. So that’s why you bloody need to just need to get a ticket and come to it. You’re crazy if you don’t. And if you’re listening to this and your business is where exactly where it needs to be, you’re happy with what your life is.
[00:29:12] Nichola Page: Happy days, stop listening, go off and do whatever you need to do, or come tell me what it is that you’ve done. Cause I’d like to copy that. But ultimately, You’re probably not with respect and love and all of that malarkey. You just gotta come to it. Simple as that.
[00:29:29] Philippa Aldridge: It’s
[00:29:29] Nichola Page: how we all met, right?
[00:29:30] Nichola Page: I’ve gotta follow that,
[00:29:31] Philippa Aldridge: haven’t I? I’ve gotta follow that, haven’t I? God, grief. Good grief.
[00:29:34] Nichola Page: This is also what we have all done ourselves. We immersed ourselves in things like that was the difference that made the difference, which allows us now to be where we are at. To help you have the difference that makes the difference.
[00:29:49] Nichola Page: That’s my new saying now. There’s the difference that makes the difference. Just saying. Peel apart. Sorry.
[00:29:58] Philippa Aldridge: I didn’t get that. There was no, it didn’t come through the passion. Not at all. Not at all. Yeah. Yeah. But I think that this is really important. What you, what part, when you said about being with like minded people, the reason what part of the reason why you need to come to this is a basic human need to feel that you belong.
[00:30:21] Philippa Aldridge: And right now, a part of you may feel that it’s just you. And that you don’t belong. And you might be very close to that point of resentment and actually giving up and thinking you’re going to have to go and get a job, which for me makes me want a part of me want to cry. And Katie and Nicola will now be thinking, please, God, don’t cry.
[00:30:42] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah. But this makes me really emotional. You’re going to, it makes me feel emotional because I do not come from a physiotherapy background or a clinic owning background, but I have learned so much about the amazing work that our clients do and the lives that they change and the ripple effect of that.
[00:31:05] Philippa Aldridge: You can’t afford not to come. And if you’re sitting on the fence and a part of you is thinking, Oh, should I go? Shouldn’t I go? Yes, you should. And I know just because you can doesn’t mean you should, but I know that, and Nicola touched on this, we’ve all done something like this. And I know that it took me a long time to commit to going to something like this.
[00:31:30] Philippa Aldridge: In fact, I bought a ticket twice to something like this when I had my fitness business and didn’t turn up twice. It was the third time that I actually went and, When I did go, a part of me was like, why the hell did I wait so long? Because it made, all of a sudden, I felt like I was held in and just safe.
[00:31:54] Philippa Aldridge: And it just made a massive difference to how I felt and how secure I felt. Again, if we want to go with that analogy of the roots, yeah, I felt more solid in the ground that I was in. But also it’s about the fact that If you are in this treadmill, if you are constantly going on this cycle, this is now your opportunity to do something different.
[00:32:19] Philippa Aldridge: And this is your opportunity to do something different with people who have no other agenda than helping. We all come from a place of love. We love what we do, right? And we want to share that with you. And we want you to experience what we’ve experienced. And if you are thinking about it, and as I said at the beginning, as well in my bit, if you’re looking for a sign, this is the sign.
[00:32:47] Philippa Aldridge: If you want to make a change, this is your opportunity to make a change and you have that choice to make that change as well. And I know that a part of you might be scared and it’s okay to be scared because your ego is going to be scared. It doesn’t like change. But on the other side of that is something very different and There is a possibility of something very different.
[00:33:11] Philippa Aldridge: And I obviously, I’d really like to meet you, so do come. You’ll get a hug and
[00:33:15] Nichola Page: everything. Worst case scenario is you invest in the ticket. You come along, you’re sitting there listening, going this is not for me. That’s not going to happen, by the way. But let’s just imagine for some crazy moment that was to cross your mind.
[00:33:34] Nichola Page: This is not going to happen. You come and speak to me at lunchtime. We’ll give you your money back and off you go. You’ve not lost anything. There’s nothing to lose by coming, but so much. So much to gain. And being around other people where, you might be, you might have a team at the moment and maybe what we hear a lot of is, Oh God, I just can’t have those conversations with my team.
[00:33:57] Nichola Page: I’ve got this, I have to put this, I feel like I’ve got to try and be something that I don’t know how to be. And I’ve got all these irks and these things that are going on and just being able to have a chat with somebody else that goes, Yeah, I know exactly how you feel is Oh. That in itself is worth its weight in gold.
[00:34:17] Nichola Page: And of course we’re going to help you how to fix all that. But, risk reversal. You have nothing really to lose. You might have lost half a day of your time, but so much that you will gain. That, by the way, will not happen. But if you’re, like, sceptical, don’t know about all of this stuff There’s your get out clause if the worst case should happen and and so just want to put that there that’s an option.
[00:34:40] Nichola Page: And
[00:34:40] Katie Bell: I think it’s really important as well Philippa you obviously had this when you booked an event and didn’t turn up twice Is that I’ve heard already I invited somebody on a call the other day who really needs our help Really needs our help and I said, do you know what the one thing I would do?
[00:34:57] Katie Bell: You And she said, what I said is to come to Clinic Grace Life. I said, because you’re going to get everything that we have talked about today. Times a million on that day. It’s going to transform your life. And the words that came out of her mouth were, Oh, it’s in the middle of the country, isn’t it?
[00:35:13] Katie Bell: Yeah I live quite far away, And then there was a list of excuses. And I’m being bold here, they were excuses. Because I would move heaven and earth to be at an event like this. In my own business, I would do that. I would cancel stuff. I would move stuff. I would rearrange stuff. People would, get your kids looked after.
[00:35:32] Katie Bell: Do whatever it takes. One of our values in Thrive is be the 5%. 95 percent of people won’t do what they need to do and won’t do what it takes to get them to where they need to be. So be the 5%, do what most people wouldn’t do, because that’s when you’re gonna, you’re gonna see the difference. You’re going to feel the difference.
[00:35:51] Katie Bell: Now very quickly, we’ve touched on two things. We’ve done the roots. We’ve talked about the treatron. You’re going to get all of that on the day and more. Cause we have four whole sections of the day set out for these things. So we’re going to cover the mindset. We’re going to cover the master plan.
[00:36:07] Katie Bell: We’re also going to cover marketing because I know that you’ve listened to 34 podcast. But I know there’s a part of you all that’s still going, yeah but I just need to be able to know what to do on social media, and I just need to know what content buckets I need to create and all that shit, and we’re going to tell you that you don’t need to do that, you’re going to do it a different way.
[00:36:25] Katie Bell: But we are going to cover marketing on the day. We are going to talk to you about how you can get clients in your clinic predictably that want to pay you what you’re worth and are not looking for a fucking Groupon offer or a freebie or whatever it is that they are willing to pay whatever it is that you are charging.
[00:36:47] Katie Bell: And we’re also going to talk about money. And when I talk about money, this is another word for sales. But all of you listening to this hate the word sales, so I’m not going to use sales for a second. This is about, if you want marketing out there, if you want to be visible, if you want to spend money on doing great marketing, we need to make sure that you are not just burning your cash.
[00:37:09] Katie Bell: That when they come through to you, we have a system and a way of working with them that means we maximise the revenue and the profits that we can take from each of our clients. Then you can book and go wild with marketing. But only when you know that your money strategy, your sales strategy is absolutely solid.
[00:37:29] Katie Bell: And if you have team members working for you, this is about them converting and retaining those clients. And I can pretty much guarantee that there’s going to be some holes there. There’s going to be some gaps and we are going to show you how you can plug those. on this day. So all of this will then give you the fruits of the trade, the time, the energy, the money, the freedom, and you’ll just get to be around.
[00:37:54] Katie Bell: What’s the saying, Philippa? You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
[00:37:58] Philippa Aldridge: Yeah.
[00:37:58] Katie Bell: So look at the average of the five people you are spending the most time with, and if they are not making more money than you, fuck, you need to find new friends.
[00:38:05] Nichola Page: We’re talking lots of F bombs today. Be you always!
[00:38:10] Nichola Page: Be you always, yes, it’s the passion that’s coming
[00:38:14] Katie Bell: out. My mum doesn’t listen to this. If you asked me about, listen to this, I would have, if I had balls, my balls chopped off. She would kill me. My mum, by the way, everybody, is like Mary Poppins on heat. So she would absolutely go mad. But anyway, the point I’m making is, you need to be at this fucking event.
[00:38:35] Katie Bell: Sorry, Mum!
[00:38:36] Philippa Aldridge: You do! Because, we’re hilarious to start with, so why wouldn’t you miss that? We’re hysterical.
[00:38:42] Nichola Page: And On that note though, we do we do like to have a bit of fun too. So it’s not all going to be a really stuffy thing that you’re going to come to. You’re going to have, you’re going to have a good time.
[00:38:52] Nichola Page: You’re going to have a great time.
[00:38:53] Katie Bell: We will.
[00:38:55] Katie Bell: It’s going to be amazing. Okay. Thank you, Nicola. Thank you, Philippa, for being yourselves and for giving your time up to to inspire our listeners. Not, not just to be at the event, but to really look at their business in a different way. So thank you. Thank you. Very
[00:39:13] Nichola Page: welcome.